Can this multi-billionaire be more of a multi-billionaire than this multi-billionaire?
And who can hide it while flaunting it the best?
Can this multi-billionaire be more of a multi-billionaire than this multi-billionaire?
And who can hide it while flaunting it the best?
I love how my subscribed are all in one list now, as opposed to have to select each one…other than that however, I honestly wouldn’t want to change much else. Somehow it makes it easier to explore. Reddit made it too easy to set in ritual…or it seems I’m hitting more topics here anyway
Oooooooh, do we get booted in here when it’s overloaded lol I’ve had an account since June 20th! Do you know who I am?? :))
Truly though, this is awesome. I hope the impact surpasses reddits wildest estimations. As most people it seems…I’m not a mod, don’t use a 3rd party ap and I’m not blind. I just paid attention.
I left…reddit honestly seems clunky now…I go back to watch it burn but it’s not burning enough :( maybe instead of John Oliver they should be posting dragons or something jeez
Only damn bean thing I’ve laughed at