Yes, if it had been in Australia. Report it when you see it.
Yes, if it had been in Australia. Report it when you see it.
Yep, yanks tend to think they can just police everyone into doing it their way.
Hmm, but not the tower or chariot? Death isn’t assigned the meaning you think it is. It is more about reaping what you sow, or receiving a change to your life, than dealing with death itself. Not saying I believe the meanings, but I know what they are meant to represent.
I guess it isn’t. I can get there by interwebs, but not by app.
“Nothing to see here” Darn.
Dumbphones do all that too.
Upper right seems pretty good proportionally.
Didn’t know it was a thing. Comment collapse works fine.
Due to a lack of any reliable way of backing that up, I cannot convince anyone else using the opinions of a random on the internet. I was looking for a place I can show them with evidence, so I don’t look like a conspiracy theorist with a pinboard full of string and coloured paper.
They will if I don’t sound paranoid and can give rational answers backed up with real articles that aren’t conspiracy sites. Much of my family are teachers, everyone has at least one university degree, and is capable of rational thought and critical thinking. They just don’t see a reason to switch. I need to put forward a reason that is worth their time.
I have been using Telegram for… A really long time. A decade? Maybe not that long. But yeah, no reason to change from what works for me. You’re right about that.
Signal and Matrix(?) and the others all seem to be a recent development, and although I have downloaded a few, no one else has them or has heard of them, so their directories are empty as I have never found anyone who wants to connect that way. It means I don’t know how to use or teach older people how to use the software. I am trying to find a simple evidence-based way to encourage my family to change their minds, but it appears it will only make me look paranoid, so probably won’t try.
I, too, was immediately going to recommend correct horse. It is random and it works.
I didn’t kow it was possible but would love to delete it. I’m off to find out how!
Air gap.
Otherwise, no, it is never secure.
Yep. I never got into the facebook thing (tried and failed to enjoy it enough to continue) and people get really sodding rude about the choice. Even suggesting using eMail or Telegram for communication leads to mild abuse at best. It is possible to live without Facebook, it just isn’t very easy, and people see it as a licence to be rude. Seeing as inside facebook they are rude also, I don’t feel I’m missing much, and it has led to a better life for me long term.
I’m confused about that too. Apparently it is in the contract that you aren’t allowed to take your device you legally purchased with you where you want, or to sell it after buying it? Or are they only allowed to sell their phone to people in the same country as themselves? Or something?
Having used Voyager for a month or more, there is rarely any clickable links in any of it. I miss being able to go “r/inserttaghere” but lemmy doesn’t seem to link to anywhere the same way twice.
I guess the company is embarrassing in some way.
I prefer [insertconpanynamehere] but in this case name and shame almost seems more appropriate.
Plenty. I have had people tell me I am inhumane for criticising tipping culture, and if I point out it is related to the extreme class system and slavery history of America they downvote me to hell and try to justify that it is “land of tha free” or whatever.
They don’t even have freedom from hunger or illness in their messed up country.