Same. Especially in Canada Amazon is basically a scam
Same. Especially in Canada Amazon is basically a scam
yep, did some digging.
The minir4 is Revision 4, and came out ~2 years ago. the ZBminir2 Is Revision 2, and came out like 3 months ago.
Going to buy a dozen ZBminiR2
yep, did some digging.
The R4 is Revision 4, and came out ~2 years ago. the ZBminir2 Is Revision 2, and came out like 3 months ago.
Going to buy a dozen ZBminiR2
Hmm, looks like you are right.
I already need another 5-10, and I’ll likely switch to the ZB unit
It… May be? I saw the 2 in the name and assumed it was an older unit. I’ll have to look into it
Not sure if you are joking or not… If not, did you watch the video?
Here to vouch for aqara sensors. My motion sensors work a treat. Just wish I got the FP1, Since I find them TOO sensitive
Sonoff coordinator, with Z2M
Nah, I preferred USB 4 gen 3.7, 3x3, so clear and concise…
also: “password is too long, max password length is 12 digits”
Why… like, sure, cap it at 256 or something reasonable. but ive run into as low as 9 digits.
Unlike other platforms, we store your files for as long as you need them, so it is crucial that we manage our storage sustainably
I mean, its great that they offer that, but all my files dont need to be permemnant. I would love the ability to review and delete old files
facebook keeps pushing ‘vegans are evil’ and ‘lets make milk mean raw milk again’ posts on me.
Just… stop. let me enjoy my friends and groups
this is so infuriating
I have a Hatch, which i have programed for my babies bed time, just play white noise sound at this time, turn off this sound in the morning, play bird song when hes supposed to wake up
I specifically got the older model, since the newer model has a lot of these basic features locked behind a paywall, while the old one they are just free.
Went traveling, and without a wifi connection it wont even do this. Apparently making an alarm clock remember its settings without a wifi connection is too much work.
im saying that the android broke ground and got there first on all of these, while the iphone likes to pretend its cutting edge.
or 10x physical zoom, punchthrough cameras, USBC…
In a lot of ways, iphone just copies android. They are just better at marketing themselves
coca-cola, apple, windows, amazon…
i loved that it was an option. not sure why it was changed.
Strongly agree, palworld didn’t need to sustain hundreds of thousands of players for years. Not every game needs to be factorio. It did what it set out to.
I bought it, played it for a while, and moved on. nothings wrong.
i mean, all incandecant bulbs are filled with a noble gas, Argon. If they didnt any bulb would have a lifespan measured in seconds.
the video makes a point that the wetting current for the switches Logitech uses is… i think 5v, however modern mice use much lower voltages. He doesn’t attribute it to malice, more “we have been using this part for 2 decades, why switch”
I ordered in these myself: but damaged the middle mouse click during disassembly.
plus Random User Agent.