I was very impressed by that. It’s so rare to see a company actually give a shit about anyone.
I was very impressed by that. It’s so rare to see a company actually give a shit about anyone.
My thoughts exactly. All this time, money and manpower spent to prevent some people from watching movies.
Good job assholes, you saved the fuckin day 🙄
This is the way.
They actually got back with me and pointed me towards a US seller that they had shipped to before the tariffs went into effect. So I was able to buy it from them and dodge all that freedom we have at the border.
The shit looks depressing. How does that stroke one’s ego?
Yay! Glad to see an official lemmy community!
Well fuckin said and spot on!
Also thanks for reminding me how great Radio Shack used to be. It used to be a place to get actual electronics components. And the people there knew their shit. And there was enough intelligent folks around to keep a place like that in business! God I miss those days…
That’s the point that I thought was obvious. Everyone else seems to be focusing on other factors…
That actually makes sense.
My theory is that they want to control the North-West Passage, which due to climate change will become a high traffic trade route. Something currently dominated by Panama (which he also wants). So they’re putting pressure on Canada now.
Greenland is in a similar situation but I think there may also be oil and such there as well.
I was surprised too! I guess Canadians hold up to their reputation 🙂👍
Try FairEmail. It’s the closest thing I’ve found.
Came here to say this. Just make a macro of anything you’re doing regularly. As much as I’d like to get away from Adobe, photoshop has some really good macro functionality.
This!! FairEmail is amazing!
Why wait? Everyone should start migrating away from that shit yesterday.
I’m sure there’s some exterior influence.
Um, this has been happening for a full ass year! Now it’s news? Now people are upset?