Forgot the quotes around “AI”
Forgot the quotes around “AI”
It’s nothing like being a father, where you can neglect your children for weeks
This seems to be with real people and without death.
Is the hype already declining, when they are trying everything to monetize, no matter how ridiculous?
This is almost too depressing to be funny.
Is it like Jodel?
I’m using immich for half a year or so now. There only problem is that it did not chunked uploads. So one large video just never uploaded, and I had to use nextcloud to upload it instead. Otherwise, it’s great.
Like their Terms and Conditions.
Why not call it Marihuana right away?
Greybeards, like in Skyrim you mean?
I doubt this will ever become any useful at all. 50 Watts is nothing compared to what the car engine outputs at high speed. Even a small engine has some 35kW, i.e. 35000 Watts.
I thought that’s what it means?
Sounds a bit bogus to call this a causation. Much more likely that people who are more gullible in general also believe AI whatever it says.
Same here
Suspiciously specific
Well, if openai open sources all their models, what value is there left that is unique to openai? Training data? But that is only valuable if they invent a better way to make it into an “AI”.
And here I thought the sidebar said that the idea is to ridicule “AI”
Well, did he give feedback or other input for the other songs of the soundtracks? Like, was he the leader and the others worked for him, or did he have no say in what the others did?
I thought the guy was honourable.
Maybe someone in the factory just created a few weak points when installing batteries?