I yoloed from a year old version up to the latest, it was fine.
Infrastructure nerd, gamer, and Lemmy.ca maintainer
I yoloed from a year old version up to the latest, it was fine.
Chmod works recursively.
What modes exactly are you trying to set? Why do you need different perms based on the file type?
TIL MapQuest is still around.
I was intrigued by those things a while ago but the subscription + cloud BS was a no-go for me. That aquarium chiller is a cool idea, but not many of those covers on ebay.
Valid, but it’s run by a group in the UK that runs several of the popular ones. It’s prooooobably not going anywhere.
It’s probably torrent clients doing a ping test of peers to check latency. Ops VPN server replies to the ping so they look close, even though they’re not.
I can’t imagine a client that would ship an ip2geo db to bother trying to look up locations. Just doesn’t make any sense.
Sh for shell scripts.
It annoys me but I overlook it because lemmy is small. I understand why people are looking for max exposure.
How dare someone expose you to a new culture.
https://whatthefuckjusthappenedtoday.com/ is useful for something similar too. They started it during the first Trump administration and just kept going.
RIP Oink + What.cd
I read something recently about progress on that. Google is only finding this older article for me right now though : https://www.tomshardware.com/news/new-gpu-power-connector-eliminates-cables-delivers-more-than-600w
If you’re looking in the tech industry, I’ve been finding https://app.welcometothejungle.com/ useful for bubbling the better stuff up to the top. I still trawl through LN though.
This. Go pick up something like a used Lenovo Tiny. You’ll get way more power and flexibility
Have you looked on aliexpress? They’re great for cheap zigbee devices (less so zwave). Just search for zigbee button. I know tuya makes a 4 button panel that I’ve used before, but there’s several out there.
What was the contents of your post that was removed?
Lemmy doesn’t log ips or associated them with accounts.
These devs just keep delivering.
Did you enable accept subnets or exit node?
Try doing a --reset --up and don’t turn on any extra features.