I use concepts of games I like. Right now Alan Wake and Pacific Drive are the two of them.
But when I started to be more interested in networking and installed openwrt on my router, I was more infatuated by Pacific Drive:
How is it more creepy than the tones you hear when dailing a phone number?
I think it is more about ambiguity. It is easier for a computer to intepret set tones and modulations than human speech.
Like telephone numbers being tied to specific tones. Instead of the system needing to keep track of the many languages and accents that a ‘6’ can be spoken by.
I was thinking more like PATHOS-II.
Did this too. Can confirm, it was quite the process.
It has a beter love story than Twilight.
If you have 16GB of ram you can already run the smaller models. And these have become quite competent with recent releases.
Quiet firing, if you will.
Well, there is this one thing: they asked OpenSuse to drop the Suse branding…
Reminded me of that music video: https://youtu.be/VQSbIzfcURs
Unless GH has another database oopsie.
From the department of temporary fixes, becoming a permanent solution. This guy made FAT32: https://youtu.be/bikbJPI-7Kg?si=orQCjxmnOPAhKIeu
Full for Sales Extraction Optimization
Totally accepting it is my system being slow. It is a openwrt router after all.
Also taking f2fs for a spin.
As far as I have experienced (I didn’t measure this): don’t use that partition for container layers. It might just be my system, but f2fs has slowed my container engine down a bit.
There is a “Your mum” joke in there.
Your mum is so fat, that bitcoin miners litigated to keep abusing her power grid.
You know what, next device I can (host)name will be the Muse. :D