Can’t be sick if you don’t know what’s making you sick!
Can’t be sick if you don’t know what’s making you sick!
It sounds like they just followed the precedent set by American companies. Maybe don’t steal data and your data won’t get stolen?
The modern American extremist organizations operate in more of a cell style terrorist network so that makes sense.
This was the beginning of the end.
Yes you are describing the intent of a boycott.
Considering the Overton window, there’s also the fact that what is left and right varies from country to country and culture to culture. For example, a centerist in America would be considered right wing when compared to a centrist from Vietnam or Cuba.
So like the first few seasons of silicon valley?
Republicans have spent the last 40 years purchasing the entire system, obviously it works for them. They’re the ones that paid for it.
Countries don’t do this to oppress their people, they do it because they’ve seen the Internet used to influence right wing extremists by foreign actors.
This is a bad faith take that only reflect the experiencs of the wealthiest boomers. There are elderly people struggling with Medicare and social security being cut. Remember, there’s not an age war, there is a class war.
Sure, just as soon as they meet our demands for better compensation.
So the business plot but it just took a few extra years.
You don’t know them either, so why pick any side?
America is closer to fascism than China is. All fascism’s are authorization but not all authoritarian regimes are fascist.
And a fueled bottle can keep billionaires in check.
Enron? Maybe the SBF thing? Seems like financial scandals are the only thing that matters.
Oh good, more content to pirate.
I mean Plato thought reading books would make people more stupid.