For sure, I use Libredirect on firefox to open all youtube links in freetube. There isn’t anything worth watching on youtube where I have to be signed in to see. Not worth the privacy loss.
Reddit Refugee that moved to lemmy.world
For sure, I use Libredirect on firefox to open all youtube links in freetube. There isn’t anything worth watching on youtube where I have to be signed in to see. Not worth the privacy loss.
Still less tiring than having to deal with a bunch of ads/other bullshit that google pushes.
ICE once bit my sister.
Stellantis, the parent company of Jeep, Dodge, Chrysler, and Ram,
Not just a Jeep thing. at least not for long.
I’m not a Ford guy, but they do look pretty good.
Yup… assholes gonna asshole. It did seem like we were getting better for awhile, but the news lately shows us not much has changed.
The problem with that is they’re not trying to “develop” Gaza… at least not for the people living there.
Call it an ancient torture device, and it all makes sense.
Bombs and bullets tend to be more effective than condoms.
Sounds like you want a trail camera.
It USED to be a decent source for news and updates on stuff but that’s long gone. I deleted my account just before that weird billionaire guy bought it and don’t regret it one bit.
You can do that with the 9 volt batteries and feel how much “tingle” they have, but never heard of it working with aa batteries. Wouldn’t he have to stick the whole thing in his mouth to complete the circuit?
Have they tried turning their government off and on again?
Ya it’s not a good look of things to come, but so far it’s not a huge issue (yet).
Normally it’s blocked by default which is pretty easy to get around (It’s just a setting toggle) but apparently Samsung added a second “safety” autoblocker to a recent update. (Which can also be turned off, so I’m not sure what all the fuss is about, aside from being a mild inconvenience.) https://www.androidauthority.com/enable-sideloading-one-ui-6-1-1-3463446/
Potatoes work with nearly everything. I get 50 pound boxes of Potatoes locally for $25 and it’s rare a box lasts more than a month in my house, from hashbrowns to fries, baked, and even soups. Nothing can really replace them as far as I’m concerned.
The free plan on Proton doesn’t let you torrent.
First civilian
In 1984, President Ronald Reagan announced the Teacher in Space Project, and McAuliffe learned about NASA’s efforts to find their first civilian, an educator, to fly into space.[20] NASA wanted to find an “ordinary person,” a gifted teacher who could communicate with students while in orbit.[6][15] McAuliffe became one of more than 11,000 applicants.[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christa_McAuliffe
Some do, some don’t. If you don’t find one right away you gotta keep trying and you’ll find one eventually.
He sounds a little crusty, like he couldn’t rise for the occasion.