It’s a bit of a dated stereotype, thank Hollywood and the “nerd vs jock” trope.
Over the years it gets tiring, it doesn’t help that there’s a huge technological illiteracy issue even though we depend on it and use it every waking moment.
I have to say I also watch videos in background while doing other stuff, but that doesn’t make it a better medium to convey information, just more practical when the information is not important enough to be the main focus of someone’s attention, and that’s pretty subjective.
But I do get the point, I just wish it was different.
I really don’t get this trend of turning everything into a video. Is it supposed to be easier to consume?
I would much rather read an article and get the information I want at the pace I want.
Look Harry, it’s the new Chumbus 2000!
I haven’t been following anything regarding Threads so I assumed it was out here in Europe too, it’s actually a relief that it isn’t. Won’t stay long like this, but it’s something.
Apes together strong.
Half way through I was hoping for it to end but no, there was more
I feel personally attacked by this
How to defend yourself against a man armed with a pear?
Subscribe for more interesting pyramids facts.
And people will join on there and it will have more success than better alternatives probably, at least for now. It’s mindblowing how little people care/understand.
And it’s not even like Meta offers any good service, FB has been crap forever.
How will enjoying the internet look like in the future? Lots of things we took for granted clearly weren’t, and now we’re used to a kind of internet that might just not be sustainable.
I guess things aren’t looking too good.
Is it? Or is it a can of magic flatulence nuggets?
Lemmian? Lemmy/lemmies too
Glad I wasn’t the only one confused by this!
I’m very curious to see what the actual impact will be tomorrow
Don’t tell me what not to tell you!