Could you please add [email protected] to your art list?
Could you please add [email protected] to your art list?
Tony Stark created likeability with a box of scraps in a cave!
It only requires the app for chilled and filtered. The regular tap water is still available.
Your definition of value does not match theirs.
Who’s reading this post in 1895? Because I accidentally dropped my phone while time traveling.
We really need Luke Cage for this.
This is really cool, thanks for sharing.
I haven’t had a problem reviewing after 30 days.
Person ordering pizza: “My house is definitely on Fallingbrook Dr.”
Narrator: it was not.
He looks like he’s saying “Hans, are we ze baddies?”
If you know the workers are being exploited, and you use the service anyway, how are you not partially responsible for exploiting them? It seems like you feel entitled to exploit them for your own gain as a customer. I agree that the employer is also responsible. A way to hold them accountable would be to eschew the service altogether. Otherwise, what incentive do they have to change?
If the business doesn’t deserve to exist, why do customers keep supporting them? Why is the onus only on the workers to suffer?
You’re right, apparently I need my eyes checked.
It’s the upside down exclamation mark that throws me.i can barely find the regular exclamation mark on my new phone.
I had read posts turned off
It makes women’s blouses more expensive to dry clean, because they can’t be pressed on the same machine that does men’s shirts without breaking the buttons.
I worked as a server at olive garden many years ago. They famously had their soup, salad, and breadsticks deal for like $6 something. People would run us ragged getting more of each thing. And we’d be lucky to get a $1 or 2 because the price was so low, but it was vastly more work than regular food.
[email protected]