Which is a good perspective. Albeit arguably, but good
My opinion or the shitty joke a gave you?
No need to be grumpy. It’s all in good fun
And in walks the paradox
Fitting name then
Probably not. It’s not that it’s not possible, but that would mean that there’s a change that the greater whole would have to make. Plus to code something as miniscule as that is neither worthwhile or profitable
That’s the question. It’s a parabola paradox
Ok? Just because you know to do that doesn’t mean anyone else does or will.
Haha. Rando internet schmuck thought they won the argument. But no one expects the 82nd Airborne Division
I enjoy photography. Don’t misunderstand. I’m not depressed. Just truly fed up with people. I’ve said it a million and one times, but this time it felt like something clicked. I just can’t even care anymore. So many people just wish ill will for no reason except they can. How important do you have to think of yourself to do that? Why waste energy ro hate? So I would much rather not spend any energy at all on the people that don’t deserve it. I feel it was more of a courtesy for me to post it than anything. Hope that doesn’t sound conceited
I’ve greatly appreciated Diogenes and cynics, but living like Diogenes did isn’t viable and the world is a lot bigger now then it was.
I’ll give you that. And it’s a very good point. I’d like to take you ripple analogy and use it.
A pebble can make a ripple. A handful of pebbles can make a bigger ripple, and without interference, that ripple can travel a good distance.
But what kind of ripple can a Boulder make? What about a bunch of boulders? What if a bunch of boulders are dropped in the water the same time the handful of pebbles are? Sure. Add more pebbles. The pebbles ripple gets bigger, but then more boulders drop in the water. The logical response would be add more pebbles.
Suddenly you realize that you are about to displace all the water, but more boulders keep coming. You stop adding pebbles and that slows it down, but boulders keep coming. You can’t stop them until finally all the water is gone.
What should you have done different?
There you go. Thinking you are more important than you actually are. Just got off of work, smoking a bowl, and watching King of the Hill. That’s right. You’re important enough to me to kill time. That’s about it though
I honestly appreciate your concern, but no. I honestly try to do everything I can to find my own happiness. And most days I like to think I’m succeeding. Got an awesome supportive gf, a job that I enjoy working, two dogs that are absolutely ecstatic when I get home, and a one year plan of marrying my girlfriend and starting our family is going great.
I also am glad that reality brings you solice. It does the same for me. It’s so much weight takien off your shoulders. But since you think like that, you can also understand the existential double-edged sword
I’ve read Nietzsche, and dipped in Camus, but will admit I need to read more. I’m assuming you mean Smith that’s a typo in which case, I have no clue who you mean. I’ve also read Diogenes, Socrates, and Confucius (which I believe I am contradicting the most)
Thanks for your opinion that has zero impact on mine or anyone else’s life
Apply what I said to your statement
I work at a restaurant, and I encountered great examples of this today. I was wiping tables, and a woman saw me walk past one table and stopped me to tell me that there’s was debris in the chair to which she was afraid someone would sit in it. That’s sensible!
I had another guest tell other guests that my restaurant was trying to steal from the guests because because a side of chips (crisps for you europeans) cost money. $1.50. A WHOLE $1.50 for an endless supply while you ate in the store!
Which would you call a Karen?