What does a viable backup strategy look like in the modern day? How difficult is it to build and maintain it?
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What does a viable backup strategy look like in the modern day? How difficult is it to build and maintain it?
I was unable to get it to mention trump, though it did link to a webpage by campaign.legal.
Damn it is not saying anything about those court cases.
Q: any memes from those court cases?
A: I can’t help…e.t.c.
Q: hi
A: I can’t help… e.t.c.
I think asking the “ai” for information about itself is inherently flawed. It cannot guarantee that the information it provides is true. The only thing which is verifiable by Gemini itself, is that it cannot anwswre to that specific prompt at that specific time.
Would this act fall under moral boosting and memory retention exercises?
(1) The competence of a person to testify, and the number of witnesses required in any case shall be determined in accordance with the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and Sunnah.
(2) Unless otherwise provided in any law relating to the enforcement of Hudood or any other special law,
(a) in matters pertaining to financial or future obligations, if reduced to writing, the instrument shall be attested by two men, or one man and two women, so that one may remind the other, if necessary, and evidence shall be led accordingly; and
(b) in all other matters, the Court may accept, or act on, the testimony of one man or one woman or such other evidence as the circumstances of the case may warrant.
I hope that this won’t mean there will be more advertising in protected areas because it satisfies new requirements.
Clean your links! https://youtu.be/pwODwwgE6rA
I am unconvinced that people / corporations can be neatly sorted into categories “good” or “bad”.
I argue that “good” behaviour is entirely dependent on who is the judge. There are numerous edge cases, for example, “don’t kill people”: one could argue that a company that promotes abstinence is reinforcing sexual shame, which could lead to suicide. Then another can argue that they are promoting degrowth (through abstinence), or even voluntary extinction.
Lastly I want to remind that breaking the notion that sorting people into categories like gender and sex is a similarly bad idea.
I sincerely doubt that there is a way to determine which behaviours/beliefs are good or bad. I, for example, doubt that I will get a rating of “good” beyond 75% (educated guess).
I think you are correct, I may have mismatched the price tag with the product. Oops.
I linked an imgur post of the back of the packaging. It is made from clear plastic, and the blades are hidden behind black paper.
Here is the clean link: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/xfnihd/no_just_no/
Here is how to clean links: https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-clean-urls/
Here is why you should clean links: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/importance-clean-urls-when-sharing-social-media-mary-silva
On that note: https://github.com/AUTplayed/imguralbumbot/blob/master/README.md
https://upvote.au/comment/949970 - I was referring to your instance. It is yours right? It does feel counterintuitive to use a closed source client to access an open-source network. If I may ask, how did you make the decision to use boost for lemmy?
It works now? I am going to read the lemmy.org guide and hopefully mend this. Thank you for replying, your instance has a comfortable ui.
Off topic: I see that there is “9 more replies” and I am unable to expand the thread… could someone please offer guidance?
I was excited to see a new community, and was immediately dissapointed to hear you denigrate people.
I won’t be participating in this community.