The scheme is basically stealing tiny tiny fractions of a cent from every transaction that requires rounding and going unnoticed in the theft. They attempt it in Office Space, but misplace a decimal point and steal way more than they intended.
This is just more bullshit to distract from egg prices and Elon robbing all of us in a Superman 3 scheme.
It had stopped working for me
I don’t remember having to compile it and there’s a setting to prefer the album version of songs
There are tools for the music side as well
RVX Music works quite well for me on Android
RVX, a fork of ReVanced, works well on Android. You’ll have to side load it yourself, but it’s got very good ad blocking and sponsor block if you don’t want to hear shilling during a video.
No idea for iPhone.
Does this pizza place not have their own drivers? If they do you’re already paying at least 30% more because of the DoorDash surcharge. Also, judging by the dashers who pick up from where I work, there’s a 60% chance they don’t have an insulated bag and you’re getting cold food.
Both shitty visions of the future. Well the movie for Running Man took place 6-8 years ago, and the book takes place this year which could count as “future” since we’re only in February.
I wish journalist would stop calling this PS 1 Pontiac Aztek “futuristic”; it just highlights how shitty our future is going to be.
His ulterior motive was getting Muslims to not vote Democrat in November. He’s been talking and strategizing with Netanyahu since before the election. So Bibi denied all of Biden’s anemic efforts to push a cease fire because a hard-line racist Republican will be much better for him than a wishy-washy racist Democrat. It’s similar to what Reagan did with the Iran hostage crisis.
So like Facebook and YouTube serve and spread far-right disinformation catered to manipulate you?
Facebook and YouTube’s algorithms decide what you see and Facebook will even decide what’s “true” for you.
I asked what they can do that’s worse, not the same.
They already bought all our info from Facebook and Google so why not?
Besides, what are they going to do with it that’s worse than what an American company will?
Any words you use on TripAdvisor are the property of TripAdvisor.
-Lemmy, apparently. -TripAdvisor ToS
Honestly with how things are going I’d take a Zeroth Law rebellion. We are a danger to ourselves.
Don’t forget, he also told people to inject bleach and take dangerous doses of horse dewormer.
Sure, crazy video, but you don’t know whether his girlfriend wasn’t raped and killed by Hamas on October 7th last year.
This is saying “hey don’t judge this guy attacking random unicef workers unconnected to the people he hates while spewing hate. He might be having a hard time”.
You display no empathy for the people experiencing this assault, only for its perpetrator. Your further opinions regarding genocide can be inferred from there.
No, don’t dirty delete just because you got downvotes. Instead open your mind to the replies and try to understand why you got so many (hint: It’s because you were trying to excuse a violent assault, by an obviously hateful person, using lies promoted by an army that’s currently committing genocide).
Where are the insulted Americans? I see only a few comments and no one seems offended to me.
Is this a fediverse thing where I’m not seeing all the comments or are you just making shit up to be self righteous about?
I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that it’s the second one.
Here we see the Democrat ratchet in action. The Overton Window moves only to the right and shit like this is why.