I already include “-pinterest” in a good number of searches because their results often taint my results.
I offer absurdist edits of absurdist Heathcliff comics and c/keeptrack of absurdist government.
I already include “-pinterest” in a good number of searches because their results often taint my results.
Didn’t he already fix it? Aren’t we past day one?
We can live in both at the same time.
It’s weird living in a world where people are rescuing our past from the Ministry of Information sponsored Memory Hole.
First link is a 404 error. Third link should contain a flag indicating its YouTube link for those expecting an article…
Did you see Section 31? People standing around in a circle telling us what they will do, then doing it, and finally telling us what they did. It felt like it burned a third of the screen time.
I’m not on ca. I’m on world. But I can see how I might have been first because I had just hit the scales sort and it was the first post I saw. It’s possible that I was in before anyone else on the instance.
It was a big zero. Nothing but the group description.
I’m also on boost. I didn’t go back because it was completely empty.
They should have used a Wingate.
The number of pods with no show notes is way too high.
Urls can be too long to be memorable and useful on a audio medium like radio or podcasts. So if you can give them a domain they know and a keyword or phrase it becomes extremely useful.
And you gotta bounce it off satellites.
If they do anything as arbitrary as that then state’s Attorneys General will be on them The moment a forensic accountant finds it.
Re: #2 Half the time they would benefit and half the time they wouldn’t. It would be a wash.
I’m guessing that some people at the National Transportation Safety Board are about to get fired by Elon Musk.
Podcasts are almost exclusively mp3. There is no need for lossless fidelity on those. And when you are subscribed to 200 podcasts like I am a small file size matters. And when listening at 2.5x speed lossless is a complete waste.
A vehicle for grift. Buy shares in a company. Convince the government to buy it. Get paid.
Remember when Republicans wanted to privatize everything because government is slow, bloated and inefficient? Now they are endorsing government takeovers of companies.
When you follow a party it creates a shortcut in the brain that stops you from questioning if an action of theirs is consistent with its beliefs. Next thing you know the party has changed all its positions and the followers don’t even realize that it changed but they still follow it.
People voted for Trump because they thought he would ban all abortions. But he changed the official party platform to only want to ban late term abortion. When you show them the text they refuse to believe it even when you have them read it out loud. The platform changed. The platform changed and those single issue voters didn’t care because they believed it didn’t change.