The amazing thing is that the government doesn’t get nearly as much tax income as you’d expect from these hugs companies. It’s almost as if the politicians have some other, secret motivating factor. Oh well, I guess we’ll never know.
The amazing thing is that the government doesn’t get nearly as much tax income as you’d expect from these hugs companies. It’s almost as if the politicians have some other, secret motivating factor. Oh well, I guess we’ll never know.
Time to start burying it with incomprehensible memes.
Psychotic Bitch Promotes Child Murder
Personally, if I die only to find out that the Tyrant is real, I’ll gladly walk into hell before I kneel my way into heaven. Fuck their narcissistic, cruel, inhuman monster of a god.
Yeah but see that would require the government to do something, and right now they can’t even tell their asses from their elbows. Oh and they’re cutting at least half the jobs. Because eFiShAnSeE.
What about overly bright LED signs? Like billboards or business signs? Those things also suck.
But no little tiny tusks? No trunk? Lame. Is it so wrong to want a tiny mammoth I can hold in one hand?
Man my mother had us take cod liver oil with the usual multivitamin as kids. It tasted kinda bad, but otherwise meh. You know what it wasn’t though? A substitute for fucking vaccines. I just wish they’d had the chicken pox vaccine back then. That shit sucked.
LOL no.
Well it’s a good thing there’s no shortage of free replacements.
It’ll likely be ruined either way. Municipal waste is a mix of solids and liquids that gets crushed, shoved, and tumbled around before being compacted down by heavy treads and buried in layers. Anything electronic is likely to be damaged in all that.
Interesting. I hadn’t considered that possibility.
When they beg you to come back, Dean and a contract for 10x your previous salary or no deal.
Suuuuure it was.
You need to learn how to look things up for yourself. LMGTFY is a website for a reason.
Well Elon didn’t make the mail trucks, obviously.
Pretty sure adding a couple hundred pounds of armor would snap its suspension.
The “master” race
It’s security theater. They have a whole department, loss control, that watches the cameras and double checks the inventory counts to find thieves and track stuff, plus RFID detectors for high value stuff. Anything that slips through the cracks ends up either insured or a write off that their accountants can use to justify not paying corporate taxes.
So when you see the receipt checker, derisively say no and keep walking. And if they lay so much as a finger on you, file assault charges.
After all, if the corporations can abuse the system, so can you.