I think ‘uncanny’ would fit better, as certain surfaces would fluoresce despite having no apparent source of light, artifacts, or glaring that you could see.
I think ‘uncanny’ would fit better, as certain surfaces would fluoresce despite having no apparent source of light, artifacts, or glaring that you could see.
You are… The computer just became so desensitized to the exit command from people talking about Arch Linux that it started ignoring us.
We’re stuck…
I’ve seen at least a couple times a similar trick but with payment req websites like cash app or venmo. Everything looks legit, but if you were to look closely at the url they want you to click, it is almost always routed through a server under the phisher’s control.
They may have the ‘official’ url in the link, but there’s a good chance they might be piped/redirected through a malicious server under the spammer’s control to log your keystrokes.
So they’re refunding that money, right?
I’d be interested in the Mooltipass, but they’ve been out of stock for over a year, saying they’re working towards a new unit. Last update I saw was about a month or two ago, saying they were ‘close’…
I mean, I walked into the church hall for the daughter of my friends’ baptism and everyone paused to look at me, even the priest. I even overhead “it’s Jesus” from the mother who was 2 pews in front of me.
Seeing the bewilderment and expressions of everyone was just magical.
Just remember that the location which let the cheeto use it as a platform never got any blowback from corporate. So, just stop going to McDonald’s altogether; plenty of other food places for when you don’t want to cook.
He looks like Tim Allen got in a fight with a hornet nest
We don’t need more people in the world right now. We should be concentrating on figuring out how to agree on having and applying the best support for the ones we already have first.
From what I’ve been seeing throughout the years, I’d say give it time. Change usually takes a bit to get started and things usually hit a low point before a breaking point.
The next four years of Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum running things could trigger something especially if they try to go through with that P-'25 BS. As it is, the indiscriminate mass deportation in it that they are planning (including natural-born) could easily be a bit of a powder-keg for starting a massive protest.
Normally when you ‘demand’ something, you would have some sort of necessity or something of value that you can withhold until the ‘demand’ is met…
It looks like it’s primarily aesthetic.
A few notes though… With the faucet and valve so close to the open side, the shower curtain could inconvenience adjusting the temperature or catch onto the handle if not paid attention to. If the shower head is also offset that much (not sure by the pic but a couple of easy fixes are available) it could make it more difficult to shower especially with having to stand in a tub.
The fixtures aren’t centered (laterally) on the wall.
Latter Day Saints
It’s more complex and expensive to have it controlled by software though.
Hardware controlled would be the equivalence of using a splitter to add a second lamp on an outlet attached to a light switch. (would only require a change in a trace or two and a transistor/resistor or two.)
Software controlled is the equivalence having to buy smart outlets and programming them yourself to have the two lamps turn on at the same time. (requires the same as a hardware switch, plus a more expensive or even an extra controller chip along with the need to write and program it.)
One of the issues with that is that unless you are WFH, you would very likely have to find another job that is commutable. With local salaries more of less being intertwined with the housing, (see cost of living) the new job would also very likely put you in the same position you started with.
Density differs for other ingredients though.
The real stuff (the kind that doesn’t leave residue) can get expensive as hell though.