I’ve just asked. There is a FOSS but not federated version.
A geologist and archaeologist by training, a nerd by inclination - books, films, fossils, comics, rocks, games, folklore, and, generally, the rum and uncanny… Let’s have it!
I’ve just asked. There is a FOSS but not federated version.
But it is largely human-curated and indexed. That’s great for training AI, like Reddit.
We just added it as the old frontend was getting hammered by bots - it helped a lot.
There are lists of bots that instance Admins can block for a range of reasons.
Anything online can be scraped but big firms might run into regulatory trouble if they are caught randomly scraping sites without consent. At the moment, the big social media apps have a tonne of content to train on in tightly controlled conditions, so they don’t really need to go into the wild, yet. However, we need to be vigilant, block them and make a fuss if we catch them at it.
That’s the bit that made me laugh: “nothing to see here, we’ve been doing this for a while. What, you didn’t know? Not our fault you are unobservant.”
That’s great news.
I’m curious to know if they got the auction stopped or if they had to shell out thousands for it.
As far as I can tell this is a desktop plugin. On mobile it only brings across the plain text.
I needed it to save as markdown from my phone.
I use Obsidian with Zettel Notes on my phone to access and edit the MD files in Obsidian, as it is much faster for dashing off a quick note. ZN also has tools that allow you to save a web page or selection as MD which is very handy indeed.
This has just been posted:
I don’t think it is just the outright Nazis but all the fellow travellers and adjacent terrible people.
Thanks, didn’t realise some were unlimited. I’ve only just moved to peertube.wtf and I’ll stay there for now. Any sign of pixelfed.wtf?
I’ll see how Tumblr federation goes as I do fancy trying to find ways to take advantage of their storage capacity. However, well see…
Now that is Interesting.
I had some thoughts about getting public domain short films into the Fediverse but you’d rapidly exhaust the allowance on most instances. However, this might just be the ticket. Time to brush off my Tumblr password…
Maybe PeerTube can already do that, haven’t played with it enough to know.
You’d think Peertube would be able to.
We should be fine, just working through it all now.
Yeah, I added that footer to the Lobster.rs post:
Well I’m an idiot too then as I’m already subbed to that community.
However, yes, that’s a perfect companion to the Web Revival community.
[email protected] seems kind of relevant. I do not mod it for transparency.
Thanks but I can’t find it either through the link or over on LBZ.
As much as I like seeing bad ginormous corporate sites burn I am very glad you are not having that in the community, I nigh-on guarantee the negativity that would generate and the outrage would outshout any constructive post about building something. Destruction and watching the world burn is easier than building something nice in its place.
Exactly, it would change the tone of the community for the worst.
Something related to simple/basic HTML and CSS code, like they used to be back then?
That’s the banner sorted. I’ll make some relevant HTML and screenshot it.
I try to avoid vindictive content myself but you may also consider showing the demise of that shi… corporate Web,
I’ll avoid it as one of the manifestos mentions that we should be being kinder and look out for each other. So my aim is to not watch the Big Web burn (we have lots of communities for that) but all the positive things we can do to make the Web better.
BTW, I also promoted your new community to our members as I think they might really be interested in what you want to do ;)
Great thanks, there’s a lot of crossover with other communities, as we Fediversers are part of this Web Revival.
I’ve added your community to the sidebar. If you know of others that might fit, let me know.
That seems like a plus to them.