The a series is really not small. I’ve had them for years
The a series is really not small. I’ve had them for years
And not one of them is a small option.
Tons of small towns rely on their local dollar stores.
Thank you!
People so rarely think of the disabled. Sure, most modern buses can “kneel” to let someone with a wheelchair on or off, but that doesn’t exactly make public transit disability friendly. For one thing, odds are that person has to wheels themselves pretty damn far to get to and from the bus stop. There is also generally one spot that a wheelchair will fit in and one spot only. There are also usually only two seats for the disabled/elderly and the disabled not infrequently get harassed for using those seats if they don’t look disabled enough for other people’s liking.
For another, there are many different types of disability. Having an elevator or kneeling bus doesn’t solve every disabled person’s problems with access. And what about the immunocompromised? Public transit is one of the most dangerous things you can engage in as someone susceptible to infection.
There will always be a need for personal modes of transportation of some kind. Public transportation is wonderful and I am a huge proponent of it, but it is not the be-all and end-all solution that people like to pretend it is.
I haven’t worn them recently, but the jingling is actually what got me into earrings. I liked having slightly dangly earrings and so when I shook my head they would jingle delicately.
That’s really only something you have to worry about with large hoop earrings (with rare exception).
They found her noise canceling earbuds on the road next to her.
I agree it’s stupid to walk around as a pedestrian with noise canceling anything on your ears, but it’s the norm these days. Or what if she had been deaf? These people exist.
And you’re coming awfully damn close to victim-blaming.
He “chirped” his siren when going through the intersection. That’s not the same as going lights and sirens.
Looking both ways doesn’t help when a car approaches at 74 fucking mph.
We should bring back pillories for people like this.
Children do.
OP admitting to not teaching their kid how to do dishes.
For non-locals: they put ranch dressing on their tacos.
You would not believe how much people in Seattle love that abomination. Unless you’re also here.
The punishment is laughable, but being barred from law enforcement in the state is very much a step in the right direction. Every state in the Union should have stiff laws in place which prevent bad cops from simply moving from one jurisdiction to the next.
But do you have a flag?
For anyone like me who is curious what IWW stands for, the article doesn’t bother to tell you.
Going with “your experience doesn’t count because you’re a little different” is not the winning argument you might want it to be.
You have completely missed the point of attics not always being very accessible in order to argue for no good reason.
Yes, I would. The respirator type mask which you require in that environment is very stuffy and tough on someone like me who has a lung condition.
It being tiny makes it more inaccessible than the need for a mask does. The opening into the attic is narrow. I can fit through it, but most Americans would not be able to. Once up there, you have to crawl. I have a medical condition affecting my muscles which makes it exceedingly difficult to crawl.
Point is, once again, that not all attics are accessible. This isn’t a discussion about masks.
Your average Democrat is unlikely to be supportive of this. And just like your average voter of any political leaning, they’re even more likely to be unaware of it.