Thx, I’ll look into it, see if it’s my area
Thx, I’ll look into it, see if it’s my area
That’s how it feels
Ha, good point! They had to replace the entire pitch, twice!
You’re right, I wrote it out, hit send them thought to myself, I should’ve googled that. But, it was in the ether already, and we’re trying to build a bigger community through interactions. So it was a win-win as I see it. Plus it got us talking, too.
I was worried about that since they buy access to towers, thank you for sharing your experience. Are able to see when that happens in a concrete way, or is more just the noticable lag?
Thanks for not saying “look it up”. We can’t seem to keep anything nice. We were just about to leave for Mint. Do you like it?
When did they buy Mint?
I immediately thought about this guy
Are you me? That is my core podcast rotation, lol. I want another lawyer driven pod that covers the Trump and all the satellite cases. I’ll come back here with a recommendation when I find one.
Listen to Opening Arguments Podcast. They are doing a fantastic job providing insightful legal analysis. They stick to the facts and their predictions are mostly on the mark. When they aren’t, they’re up front about, and explain the situation. Great jokes too, like “Cheese and Crackers” to describe Chessebro and Powel’s speedy trial getting tied together
Anything classified as described is to NEVER leave a SCIF unless transported by a qualified person/nework to another SCIF. YOU DONT GET TO TAKE WORK HOME WITH YOU. His request is like a bank robber asking for access to the bank vault to count the money he stole to make sure it’s all there.
Their public prayers are built like madlibs. A collection of loosely connected catchphrases. Reminds me of the kind of person their Jesus warned us about in Matthew 6:5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_6%3A5?wprov=sfla1 This link also has it in the “original Greek” for those apologist that insist we missed the point, and that if we just look at the passage in Greek we’d see the the real meaning.
In October 2018, Shea acknowledged that he had distributed a four-page manifesto which called for the killing of non-Christian males if a war were to occur and they do not agree to follow fundamentalist biblical law.
Well, we know their plans. Every accusation is ALWAYS projection with the christo-facists.
What is his ACTUAL weight and height? Inquiring minds want to know.
I’m reminded of the phrase, “Even a broke clock is right twice a day.” Liz, and that other Republican did a good job. Not praise, just a fact. Not that any Trump supporter sees their ® support of the committee as legit, but everyone else does.
Lol, it’s not uncommon for “me” to be the problem. I’m in now, so it’s all good
I selected the second link and i got in, the /c won’t work. Maybe Connect app related?
I’m not able to get in… Is there a secret entrance, like the Troll Market?
Disappointed that it isn’t real