I already knew this but thanks anyway. Yet, let us not play around with semantics . A desert usually refers to a hot place with a lot of sand.
Speak Arabic /French /English Interested in Tech /AI /Piracy
I already knew this but thanks anyway. Yet, let us not play around with semantics . A desert usually refers to a hot place with a lot of sand.
doesn’t it degrade their capacity too much ? I thought at such temps they be like -80% capacity or something. 25m² at 400w would shrink my electric bill by a lot.
But I said the desert not the north pole.
I freaking live in the desert so i know I’d have solar 16h a day for like 9 months but i also know that solar panels optimal temp is 25°. In here, it’s a least 35, almost always above 40, often 45++ in the summer. Heck, there’s days and days of consecutive 49° and somehow never reach 50° making me believe that if it reach 50° the government is required by international laws to not allow citizens out or something.
Yeah,motherfucker ! I vomited on the carpet. Now, clean it !
Hey, I am a responsible adult ! I need nobody to feel doomed.
Big companies representatives 😉 doing AMAs telling the truth about the horrible things their companies are doing would be interesting to say the least.
Glad you came to lemmy ! I would’ve said it was hand drawn if I didn’t know you used AI. You’re paving the way for none artists to make comics.
dwarf craftsmanship is always of the highest quality indeed .
Hey, am not chronically online…I just browse it when am bored…but like am always bored and stuff, so am a perfectly normal and sane person.
What’s with the high quality shitposts on lemmy. Did every master shitposter migrate here ?
I know anyone that write his comment in academic style is at least 10 times smarter than I but who’s they?
The most implausible thing here is that it only costs 1 gem.
Sorry, I only use base 2. Huuuhhh… I mean base 10 but not really base 10 because I use base 2 you see…fuck!
I already speak Arabic so they’re this much 🤏 close calling me one. One thing am sure about is that am pirate. Harr harr me hearties !!
Sadly, the pressure of the newfound glory pushed him to the end. He tied his hand behind his back and shot himself three times in the head. Rip.
Crusty jpeg water is tasty jpeg water. Eat healthy kids.
Sell it. Get some bucks and buy a gift for you kids or significant other.
B is really the best of the 3 and by a long margin.