I know that other services, like the trending community bot, that recent had issues in the same vein. The trend bot only showed like 3 communities, and it normally shows about a dozen.
So, there is likely a federation issue, or something wrong with however these services get their data.
Infowars was/is a media company, Alex Jones’ show was on TV and online.
They are known for peddling and creating far right conspiracy theories, and because of this were often banned from social media websites for breaking their Terms of Service.
Because Elon is a right-wing conspiracy theorist who likes Alex Jones, he unbanned infowars from Twitter when he(Elon) bought it.
Inforwars was recently sued into the ground because of the claims he made to his audience about the victims of school shootings and their families. Because of this, he was ordered to have his assets liquidated.
The Onion (a satirical news/comedy website) won the bid for Inforwars and its assets, and Elon isn’t a fan of this, so he’s trying to not allow The Onion access to the Inforwars Twitter account.