“All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.” -Hawking
Humanist, interested in helping and learning.
Cheers for the shoutout!
[email protected] is here to keep you positive, with the unconditional love of tiny cute mammals.
Lol, thank you for taking the hit for most of us.
My interest is piqued, but it doesn’t have a native usb-c? Only old usb-a? Am I reading that right? The c is a part of one of the attachments? Don’t love that.
Damn, sorry I posted asking the question a few threads back and hadn’t seen this yet. Apologies. I like the concept very much.
This might not necessarily be on topic, but as a person who spent about a year in that state, I’m here to tell our European neighbors Missouri is not Midwestern, Missouri is Deep South. Feels relevant.
“Big paws on a puppy… to a tee.”
Well, put, friend, well said, thanks for sharing!
Who, in the blue applesauce fuck, is still playing d4? Am I missing something? Did it get significantly reworked? I played a few weeks and put it down, like I thought most others did. Should I check it out again?
And for the rest of my days, upon needing a sharp object, “I require a cutting tool.”
No friend, no, I’m sorry, but the whole world just wouldn’t work if that were actually the case. Humanity is inherently altruistic. The issue is that people struggle to be that and survive. We just have to ramp down the me:first and push more for society. EU is starting to make those in-roads, so stay positive!
Can we get THIS fucking comment on the front page please? Outstanding work, friend! Sincere thanks!
Detective Gregg’s?
Officer Pryzbylewski shot the wall, lieutenant.
I wish to both damn and bless you. Well done.
Shut up and take my bandwidth!
It would certainly make a helluva story. Life on earth irradiated away, and the last battle for it all is the mice versus the cockroaches. Since we’re mammals… this has happened… before…
Familiar with PKD, not familiar with what you are referring to though, please enlighten.
The Assman’s right about Howard Johnson being right! ;p
Someone’s hopeful for Doom.
Cool information, thanks!
Yes, thanks to all for contributing and assisting. I am grateful for the clarification and leg work. Folks say reddit had this, and lemmy has less, so every time I see it, I make sure to appreciate it.
In the back of my head, I can still hear my drill sergeant bellowing out, roll me oooovvveeerrrrr, in the cllooooovvvveeerrrrrrr.