British crosswords are MORE cryptic than American ones? I can’t consistently solve the LA Times or NYT crossword after Wednesday; I probably wouldn’t be able to do any British puzzles.
I get access to the NYT puzzles app through my library card, which has a very long backlog and lots of packs, so that may be an avenue worth pursuing.
Not really, unfortunately. Firefox has only like 85% of the spec implemented, iirc. It is the browser I develop in most, personally, though, fwiw.
64.7% of all web traffic was from Google Chrome in 12/23. Companies like it because you can develop for one browser and support most people.
I don’t really understand the first question because you have elided some important details, but for the second question, there’s a “files” key you can set in package.json that specifies which files to include in the package tarball. If you set that to some pattern that excludes your tests, they will not be included. Alternatively, you can create a .npmignore file.
Shower 4 lyfe
This is how I generally write documentation for my projects:
I feel like maybe you don’t know what a headless component library is. A cli has a head – the terminal. Headless applications, by definition, have no visual portion. For instance, a headless browser is a browser where the web page renders in-memory, but never displays any content. A headless component library, then, is one where the implementor doesn’t provide anything visual, only behavior. For web dev, is very helpful – the library implementator writes all the js, but the css and html (the “head”) are left to the user for use. The best headless component libraries, then have nothing to screenshot without the user supplying some implementation.
What would the world even be like without people feeling the need to be a dick about an obvious joke 😘
Me, developing a headless component library:
You’re probably not gonna have zsh either, though, but I wouldn’t recommend using sh as your shell on your personal dev machine 🤷♂️
I just spent last night migrating off goodreads and moving my lists out of libby, and there are definitely still some rough edges, but it’ll get you there.
Yeah, it’s a js framework for creating web components, like lit
And I’ve seen real combat, too 😜
You can’t make me
All the cool kids are doing it
Uh… I may have committed a little light fraud
Don’t check out my Lemmy scorecard, which calculates your karma for you using the Lemmy api!
I use yarn 4 plus turborepo and am very happy with my setup. You can see tybalt for a reasonably-sized project with my preferred monorepo setup.