Further, Microsoft has a support queue specifically for requesting removal if you can produce purchasing paperwork
… Not that anyone with technical chops should care. This will only ever impact you at OOBE, which is easily bypassed
Further, Microsoft has a support queue specifically for requesting removal if you can produce purchasing paperwork
… Not that anyone with technical chops should care. This will only ever impact you at OOBE, which is easily bypassed
Yes. If that’s not for you, that’s fine! If that isn’t a dealbreaker, it’s an exceptional platform
Yes, there was an incident where ~1k people received push notifications that were intended for other accounts
Shitty, but they addressed the issue within 24hr, notified impacted users, and published a sitrep. They handled it extremely well imo, but also you could disable the cloud connection if it concerns you
UniFi Protect is outstanding. You need to buy one of their NVRs or cloud gateways to use it, but it’s incredible & wouldn’t want another system for our house/family business
I was going to say, currently working in K12 & this key would be a nightmare for us. We definitely can’t pay Microsoft’s minimums - disabling/remapping the key wouldn’t be hard, but it’s obnoxious it becomes a priority.
The stenographer for our local zoning & planning board still uses a XP netbook. Couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw it
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I have no idea how i’d replace YouTube in my life - sites like Reddit are one thing, but there is no current viable analogue to YouTube. Premium is pretty cheap for what it is - happy I made the decision to subscribe years ago
The US - with obvious exceptions, photos of students can be designated by a district as directory information (which many do, hence opt outs being common)
It’s opt-out in a lot of districts now
Good bot
Am I missing something? This article is 7 years old & mentions nothing about keylogging
You’re definitely missing something. Theres no announcement that Sync Ultra is being abandoned (presumably, as a subscription service, its brought along to the new app) & there doesn’t appear to be any other way to directly donate to LJ (i’ve asked)
Worst case scenario in which it doesn’t port over, I spent $30 on app that i’ve used daily without a subscription for over a decade. Good spend imo
Autopilot and Pro have absolutely no tie other than Pro being a requirement to leverage the enterprise feature