Hail Satan.
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THE FINALS: Season 4 Power Shift - #45 Worldwide
Waaaah, the guy who’s intelligence I insulted isn’t being nice to me
You came into this thread calling somebody a fucking moron, unprovoked. Your shitty attitude has nothing to do with how anybody has treated you. Don’t blame others for your personality.
You’re missing the point, and you’re being an asshole about it. Take a chill pill, my guy.
I think you’re missing their point.
You had a golden opportunity to say we are an old school tech company
Sony doesn’t want to tread on Nintendo’s turf.
Uhh, isn’t that kinda against the whole point of being a spokesperson in the first place? To put a name and a face behind a message?
Dunno why The Verge plays along.
I’ve been wanting a replacement for ages now. The problem is that Discord does everything it does very well (with a few exceptions), way better than any of its competitors. It’s incredibly hard to replace, because no other product really matches it in any category. Cost, ease of use, feature set, cross-app API support… Nobody else comes close; even if you paid a ton of money for premium services to replace Discord, you’re still likely going to downgrade your overall experience.
I really want to see more competition in this space.
I’m pretty sure that just doing “quick searches” is exactly how he ended up with AI answers to begin with.
“Man who works 10 hours per year tells underlings to work 60 hours per week.”
Dang, there went all my legitimate plans for signal jamming.
Dang, you know what he’s right. Guess we should let him go now, huh?
Like yeah, that’s a very astute point to make. But you’re not the one who should be making it.
You know, just things that nobody really needs to begin with, right?
Mainly just that you need to maintain a fairly high seed ratio to keep access. A lot of trackers will limit how many concurrent torrents you can have, based on your seed ratio. And depending on the tracker and the media that you want to download, you sometimes run into situations where just nobody else wants what you’re seeding, or where the torrent has so many seeds that you barely get to contribute.
Last time I was on a private tracker, I was one of only like 3 other users who were downloading episodes of Doctor Who. I could seed those for months, and never go above 1.0 because there just wasn’t interest in that.
I’m not sure if this is considered a good practice or not, but what I ended up doing was occasionally torrenting something that was really popular, even if I had no interest in it, just so that I could seed something. It definitely helped to keep my ratio up, and as far as I can tell it’s overall a net benefit to the network as a whole, so I don’t think tracker admins would have issue with it. But it just felt weird, to me.
They’ll confirm him as the new head of the Child Abuse Hotline.
What exactly is HTML5 canvas image data?
Does it matter when half the authentic results on any search engine these days always take you to pages with AI content, anyway?
The article says as much. But it’s also definitely both. While the dating app scene has been abysmal for the last 10 years or so, Gen Z is also a lot less sexually active than previous generations were at their age. There’ve been a few reports on how Gen Z is having less sex, and how they have less demand for sex in media because they grew up inundated with sexualized media their whole lives. It’s pretty interesting to see the attitude shift toward sex with the generations.
What’s insane is that FOX allowed this commercial to air in the first place. I’m sure someone at FOX will say “We had no idea he would put this on his site”, which we’ll all know is bullshit because they scrutinize the fuck out of every Super Bowl ad before it gets to air. There is a 0% chance that nobody knew about this beforehand.
Careful, he’s gonna user-tag you, next!