Look at this Buster Bluth-lookin’ ass motherfucker.
Look at this Buster Bluth-lookin’ ass motherfucker.
The distinction is meaningless in this situation and fucking irrelevant.
Kids know what they are.
I don’t think it can be rigidly defined for everyone, nor should it be. Some people are fluid in that sense, some people aren’t.
Masculine and feminine are useful concepts with long roots in every culture on earth. The problem is when people impose a positive or negative connotation to them. It should be considered normal and healthy for someone who identifies on the male side of the spectrum to exhibit feminine traits, and so on.
It’s just a conceptual framework that simplifies understanding. Our problems arise when we oversimplify, and forget that it is just an artificial construct we made up to explain our world.
Those “politics” this woman is “involving her child” in are actively seeking to harm her child. The child is fully involved already even if she was left at home, because the GOP can’t keep themselves out of children’s pants.
The kid’s future is at stake with the legislation these GOP phonies are constantly pushing to exclude and shame her. I don’t think it’s at all unreasonable to loop her into the process of protesting and fighting back at a young age.
What’s disgusting is when politicians use children in the abstract as fuel for their own campaigns, as the entire GOP is doing all the time. They prey on the ignorance of their base, and use anonymous people who can’t defend themselves as cudgels; that’s very different from what this parent is doing.
Toddlers model behavior of the adults in their life. It can be as simple as whether they echo the behavioral quirks of the women more than the men, or vise versa.
It’s so funny to me this new posturing of denial that kids can know their gender at a young age, when derogatory terms for this exact thing like “tomboy” and “sissy” have been around for generations. We have always known that some kids don’t act like their gender assigned at birth.
The only thing that’s changed is that we now know that this is actually normal and healthy, not some pathological problem that can be “solved” through abuse and shaming.
I understand that it is difficult to grasp when you have been indoctrinated to believe one thing that has turned out to not be true. Most people go through life never truly knowing the interior life of another person. But parents know their children.
Who gives a shit what he meant, he’s a fucking coward and hypocrite. He made it clear that he never for a moment cared about “protecting children”.
He felt empathy for the first time, and it was an unfamiliar sensation that he recoiled from in his cowardice.
Organized religion is one of fascism’s most important tools.
He’s a coward, just like everyone else in his party. Afraid of a fucking child. His ancestors would be ashamed of him, and his descendants will disown him.
He looks like a foot.
I love this suggestion.
That was Three Mile Island and Chernobyl that did that. The Simpsons merely rode a wave that had already crested.
That’s how a lot of marketing astroturfing works though.
You let people post things organically, then you signal boost the shit out of them, and nobody can claim it’s false or contrived, because OP really did just post a thing they like.
Certainly not the majority, but being “mainstream” doesn’t require a majority.
Except it just goes in a circle.