Theft from the wealthy is morally right, period.
Theft from the wealthy is morally right, period.
I’m old school. I felt it happen with Bush v Gore.
Now please turn to song 146 in your hymnals, The Cat Cameth Back.
Somebody really wants to drop a hard R.
A better analogy might be shutting off their water because they were using it to make naughty ice sculptures, which are forbidden by the HOA.
If I was one of those employees, my response would be to smile and wave, maybe give a thumbs up, and go back to ignoring them. They can interpret it how they like, and only I know for sure that it means “Lol, you’re getting nothing from me, you dumb buttmunch.”
I just assumed that the instance it was hosted on is down for whatever reason. I have no idea if that’s how it works.
Oh and also, “change this every four weeks please.”
Okay then. NEW PASSWORD: pa$$word_Aug24
If it’s anything like its reddit equivalent, it will just be a place for people who unironically use the words “woke”, “SJW”, and “DEI” as perjoratives. No thanks.
Geeze, Wowbagger the Infinity Prolonged must have gotten bored.
Anyone who gives any weight to the verbal vomit of a professional sports celebrity is already on the losing side in the war against Not Being A Fucking Moron.
He would know, right?
Well, that was specifically for the young kids of these people, but yeah.
I’m guessing she was there to get an MRI because there was something wrong with her brain.
It’s bizarre to me that a basic scan with a metal detector wand isn’t required before walking into the MRI chamber.
Guaranteed to make to vomit on your sweater.
Reminds me a bit of the Miracle of 1511.
So that’s what that is. I’ve been noticing it but didn’t really think much of it.
There should be a separate tag for Lurker. As in an account that has existed for a while but either has few comments/posts or deleted them all.
I thought at first that it looked like a couple of construction cranes.
So long as people are starving under the system while others have yachts, the system is unethical, and thus following its rules – insofar as they perpetuate this inequity – is unethical.