I can’t install any non-free software on this system. I alreay have a fully working daw on my old airgapped windows machine. However I rather not use non-foss software that is why i am bothering with ardour to begin with. Maybe it’s time to just get analog hardware (tape recorder etc…)
Update: I had a limit for my memory usage set to some default of 4 GiB I increased that to a higher number. This improved but did not resolve the issue in the end.
Anyone reading this here is the guide I followed to do so on a Debian: https://discourse.ardour.org/t/your-system-has-a-limit-to-locked-memory-solution/86813
Will this work even if it just freezes and technically never really crashes? Thanks this might be the light at the end of the tunnel. Would be grand if that gives the hint on how to make this work!
Try reinstalling them. It’s a longshot but it might help…
I didn’t pay attention in physics class, why is the light reflected back not polarized? what happened to the once polarized photons that they come back non polarized?
Also what is polarization? I know that Electro Magnetic Radiation or EMR is made up from pulsating magnetic and electrical fields that propagate through space at a fixed rate or frequency… but what does polarization mean? does it mean the fields are slanted to one side or into one direction or something? or is it like some sort of spin or other sort of modulation?