I’m trippin lol.
He chose the first one, it think that one is my favorite out of the two lol
No worries! I just saw three icon uploaded, it looks great! Ty!
🙌🙌✨️✨️✨️ AW! :'D Well thank you so much for the kind words! ♥️ I just approved your application, we’re happy to have you and hope you have lots of fun on HC with us!
Don’t let the negative Nillies of lemmy get you down. I was a little concerned after I saw your promotion post for the news bot community. I didn’t see any more posts from the bot, and I was worried you might have felt discouraged by the negative feed back you got.
But I’m happy to see that the bot is still posting and going strong!
I do have one small ask, (Dmd you, not sure if you got it) but could you upload a Community icon for the news bot community? You don’t have to upload a banner, just community icon image.
I Generated the two below with ai you can choose from, or you can use your own. Either ways fine with us 😊
Np! Anytime 😊
Yes, I see them now ty
You should post some stuff
Why are you obsessed with my little pony?
and they say romance is dead
U can’t see me
That’s a long ass way of saying ‘yes’ lol
So then you’re the most self righteous
Whos the MOST self-riatious
Party pooper
Cool. Oh wait, you can’t see me.
Is there a difference ?