Honestly, does Canada have any incentive to respect DMCA requests at this point?
Honestly, does Canada have any incentive to respect DMCA requests at this point?
Agent Coulson says something like that too, I believe
Any way the wind blows…
Sure - time they spend there is time not spent on something more incriminating!
Print at a public library?
Quietly swapping your earlier edition with the current edition was not, however.
Carbon footprint - AI burns a lot more power than old fashioned search results.
I get wanting to cost them more, but I don’t think they’ll see this use case as a cost.
I’ve lived in Kansas City for about 15 years, and I’ve seen a gun get pulled on someone once. SUV almost clipped a motorcyclist while making a left turn into the lane a little ways in front of us. Motorcyclist did a quick u-turn, caught up to the SUV, and pulled a gun on the driver. The driver quickly and frantically apologized, the biker shook his head and reholstered his gun, and got back on his bike and both drove off in different directions.
I started slowing down to increase distance when I saw the motorcycle do its initial u-turn, but I was pretty much trapped in the lane. I had my whole family in the car with me - I’d have been willing to testify after, but no way I’d be willing to put them all at risk to intervene. I was looking for ways to get us to safety, and was pretty much down to popping us up on the sidewalk to get around and get away if things got bad (it was rush hour, there was no room in the other lanes for us).
What I see of the drivers in the video is a) It’s early morning, and they’re paying just enough attention not to hit each other in a rush hour crawl; and b) they’re trapped by everyone else in the rush hour crawl. Not getting shot at this point (because you can’t tell he’s just targeting a CEO) means not getting noticed, because you don’t have good options for getting away.
Dead? Really? Cuz Portal and Minecraft are my kids’ top two games!
Mine has been docked for months at a time. I recently started shifting it to be near the kids when they’re home; but not undocking it wouldn’t strike me as strange at all.
That’s a really tough thing to deal with, but that doesn’t mean what you did was wrong.
From the article, Sansan Chicken, Sansan Ramen, and Yaso Kitchen, all in NY. (Since nobody has said it yet)
And if you’ve been letting Steam store your save data, you should find that your save files for most games will still be available in Linux! Mileage will vary per game of course, but jumping between OSes has been pretty seamless for me!
True! I’ve been too focused on our local politics lately!
Well, until the President decides otherwise, anyway.
My SteamVR games run poorly on Linux. They do run, but it’s a much rougher experience than running them through Windows.
It’s frustrating, because otherwise Linux is my primary gaming system!
Step away from hardware constraints for a moment, and consider the OS:
If the OS says a file is deleted, under no circumstances should the OS be able to recover it. Sure, certain tools may exist to pull it back; but it should be unavailable to the OS after that. And yet, apparently a software update was enough to recover these files. Thus, the concerns about data safety in an environment where the OS cannot be trusted to remove data when it says it has been removed.
I’d be happy with just the silver spoon, myself.
Straight to victim blaming?
Coldside was just emplifying your joke