Well everybody already knows that.
Like… The power dynamics of “vote lesser evil, vote for minority candidate, vote for a compromising pseudo-progressive party because it’s still something, abstain and stay pure, better face true fascists than traitors, etc.” has been around since representative regimes emerged.
Yet everyone has to find his/her political and moral stance in this shitshow. And answers will differ, sometimes for legitimate reasons, sometimes because of total bs. That’s all there is to it and it’s not exactly news.
As a trans person i am currently eating shit for breakfast every day to protect myself, my friends, and humanity. Lesser evil is starting to look like “not being murdered” sometimes
Well everybody already knows that. Like… The power dynamics of “vote lesser evil, vote for minority candidate, vote for a compromising pseudo-progressive party because it’s still something, abstain and stay pure, better face true fascists than traitors, etc.” has been around since representative regimes emerged. Yet everyone has to find his/her political and moral stance in this shitshow. And answers will differ, sometimes for legitimate reasons, sometimes because of total bs. That’s all there is to it and it’s not exactly news.
As a trans person i am currently eating shit for breakfast every day to protect myself, my friends, and humanity. Lesser evil is starting to look like “not being murdered” sometimes
As a trans person, you know a lot of that was happening last year. And the year before, too, right?
I won’t pretend it wasn’t bad before, but this shit is ramping up now faster than ever, and it’s not the left writing this dreck into law.
It was never “the left”, it was, and is, Democrats, another right wing party, also co-signing this.
If it’s so important to fight this… Why aren’t the Dems, in office, doing so? They seem to just be acting like “Business as normal”…