Because they are just a facade to make the DNC more friendly to the working class. It is all theatre for them
I don’t think they have enough resources to run on every locality. They run on some, but right now running on every locality is impossible for them.
They only have a presidential candidate for Colorado.
“Facts that I don’t like are propaganda” - You
Have you thought about voting for the socialist candidate on the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL)?
Ukraine was the one doing genocide of ethnic Russians done by far right Nazis with government political power. The territories with majority ethnic Russians decided to join Russia because of this.
“Russian Nazis” that is ludicrous lmao. Nazis hate Russians. The Soviet Union was the one that destroyed the Nazis and the Nazis have always hated them ever since. Nazis are an existential threat to Russia and they know it, so they are trying to annihilate them. Right wing groups were the ones who caused the coup that put out of power the elected pro-Russian president. And Zelensky literally destroyed all left wing parties.
Democrats are souless fascist who conducted a 1 and 1/2 year genocide supporting a fascist regime. They tripled the police budget and militarized the police domestically to oppress minorities
CPC -> Communist Party of China
You can on, and
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Yes, Joe “We have to back the blue” Biden tripled the police budget during and after the BLM protests
Join PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation)
Most people wanted to stop sending money for wars, and Democrats kept sending money for wars. Most people wanted to defund the police and democrats tripled the police budget. That is not a democracy. That is the total opposite of a democracy.
Bro, Biden tripled the budget of cops and you say that they are less harmful?! What is wrong with you?! “Good faith argument” with someone who automatically says that I am lying and who say that people dying should be a compromise, gotcha. My elders MLK, Malcolm X and the Black Panthers have all said that Democrat sucks and the only way forward is socialism. I am going to listen to them instead of you trying to whitesplain to me why Democrats are the best my community got.
Edit: They all died fighting for socialism, not for milquetoast liberties granted in fascism like the ones we get under democrats.
No, no, fuck you. I mentioned how democrats use militarized police against black people and you say that is supposed to be a fucking compromise. Fuck you, you racist asshole. Fucking white liberals are the fucking worse. No wonder why both MLK and Malcolm X hated your ass.
Edit: So you believe that everyone in the internet has to be white? Of course, I wouldn’t expect less from a liberal. I am sure that I cannot be black to you because I guess that I will never fit whatever stereotype you have of us in your head.
But I will say this: Democrats increased the funding for the police substantially during the BLM protests, treated us like terrorists and threw the heads of the protests in prison. Biden favorite phrase: “We have to back our boys in blue” and proceeded to triple their budget. Democrats hate black people and they oppress us with a militarized police in our neighborhoods.
I am sorry, but as a black man, I am supposed to be your sacrificial lamb and your fucking compromise for you for what? So you feel safe in your fucking neighborhood? I am sure that all black people and Palestinian Americans will agree when I say: “Fuck you from the bottom of my heart”