I hate people who treat them like some toys and fantasize about them. That makes me think they are in some sort of death cult. That they found socially acceptable way to love violence.

I would still get one for safety but it is a tool made for specifically one thing. To pierce the skin and rip through the inner organs of a person.

They can serve a good purpose but they are fundamentally grim tools of pain and suffering. They shouldn’t be celebrated and glorified in their own right, that is sick. They can be used to preserve something precious but at a price to pay.

  • philpo@feddit.org
    1 month ago

    I am very leftist and somewhat split.

    Modern guns are an engineering marvel and I can understand if someone is fascinated in the precision and engineering knowledge needed to construct them - the same way some people are fascinated by mechanical watches, steam engines, etc.

    They are also a necessary tool for some jobs - I can worked alongside these and in theory am trained to handle one(but haven’t had a gun in my hand for 15 years if you don’t count two instances I had to take it from a patient before law enforcement arrived). So I am very happy that the people who need to have it have modern,safe, versatile and easy to handle guns at their disposal. And I want these people to have the best training,the best equipment and the best recruitment and background check possible.

    This brings me to another point: I am sternly against people using “shooting” (large calibers) as a hobby and the whole gun culture around it - we see in the US this can easily become a purpose on it’s own and the detrimental effects it has on everything, from mental health care,policing, emergency medicine to the political culture, even influencing their neighbours negatively.

    Go for small calibers all you want, no problems with that. But there is no reason an average private citizen needs a 9mm or a AR15 (even with manual fire)as a hobby or for self defence here. (There might be some very rare cases when people are under so much threat for their life that it is different - but these are really rare and tbh should require the same amount of training a professional carrier needs)

    Hunting is a bit different, but even there I see problematic behaviour within recreational hunting. I am not at all against hunting per se, it’s absolutely an requirement in most industrial nations to keep the ecological balance in the few remaining ecosystems and is the most ethical source of meat available.

    But again in some nations a subculture around it has formed that is not healthy,not required to maintain biodiversity and ecological balance, etc. My shire owns large wooden areas and has decided to switch to (semi-) professional hunters quite a while ago, they are payed to hunt according to a ecological plan, do not get less or more money if they are successful, the shire sells the meat to the inhabitants for relatively cheap prices. This model has been proven (scientifically) to be successful as it allows very targeted hunting, e.g. to keep animal tracks away from certain roads, to intentionally allow the reintroduction of larger predators,etc.

    • kerrigan778@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      “very leftist” “wants police to have lots of versatile guns and the populace to not” I’m confused.

      • philpo@feddit.org
        1 month ago

        Not all leftists are anarchists,not all leftists are communists,not all are utopians and not all leftists are pacifists either. Some of us know Realpolitik fairly well. But considering I was a candidate for a state parliament for one of the furthest left parties in Europe I think I can still claim that. (I left in the meantime on their stance on supporting the Ukraine,btw. Don’t be shocked,some of us aren’t couch pacifists either and firmly believe that democracy needs to be defended - even though a lot of us and a lot this ideology died back in Spain)

        I firmly believe that a healthy society needs a very well regulated, extremely well qualified and trained and well equipped police.

        That does not make me a friend of the police as it is acting in a lot of countries (we have our fair share of them and I am constantly addressing them publicly - but our situation is far better than e.g. in the US and a lot of other countries) and I campaign for that a lot. With police officers,btw. Because good policeman have one major problem - the bad apples spoil the whole lot.

        • kerrigan778@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          I am neither anarchist nor communist but the day I’m okay with police being better armed than the populace is allowed to be is the day I can’t imagine police not standing with labor unions or treating minorities significantly differently than those in the dominant socio-economic class and not a second sooner.

          • philpo@feddit.org
            1 month ago

            Police here are amongst the jobs with the highest union participation and while due to some special legislation they cannot go on strike their major union (there are smaller ones, one right wing, one for detectives only)are in a association with all major other unions here and they cooperate heavily - due to fact that they are seen as regular “public officers” with a small policing allowance they profit from the collective agreements the regular public administration workers fight for and the regular public administration workers on the other hand can use them as a bargain.

            The treatment of minorities is a an issue and while a lot of officers are alright in that regards more than enough aren’t - and that is something we need to address.

            …but I must disagree on the armed population point - it is a absolute delusion that an armed population can “resist” a possibly oppressive government any better than an unarmed one as the nature of oppression is always systemic - and an armed individual is unable to withstand the tools of oppression the government can use on them, not even considering the actual force imbalance. Some amateurs with a assault rifle won’t stand a chance against a trained military or police force. Instead of the false narrative of “we can topple the government with guns in our hands if necessary”(no you can’t - and if you could the other side can do it as well) it would be far more important to secure democracy against extremism - what happens if this is not done is currently seen in the US.

            Additionally a armed population fuels the “we against them”/“warzone environment” perception in part of the police force, which leads to an escalation of violence by the police, has an extremely detrimental effect for mental health patients and fuels the general danger for the population by providing more weapons for criminals.

            There is an abundance of research on this topic that sustain this - an armed population is a very bad idea.

          • MY_ANUS_IS_BLEEDING@lemm.ee
            1 month ago

            Police being better armed is extremely common in developed counties with far better police than the USA.

    • billwashere@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Let me preface this with I’m very liberal so I’m not attacking anyone but I’m also a physics nerd so…

      Anyway, is a .22LR a small caliber? Because the difference between a .22LR (5.66mm) and the typical shell in an AR15 (5.7mm) is only 0.04mm, about the size a small human hair. A better distinction is muzzle energy which is a function of mass of the projectile and velocity of the projectile. I mean a typical paintball is bigger the a 50BMG. It just doesn’t weigh very much or go very fast. So caliber is a terrible measure for your purposes.

      • philpo@feddit.org
        1 month ago

        There is a distinct difference in terms of sport shooting which I was referencing to - with Olympic shooting .22 lfb is the reference for “small caliber shooting”. Everything above that, including other kinds of .22 are often seen as larger calibre. Therefore I was intentionally referencing the sport context.

        While a .22 lfb surely can absolutely kill and has done so, nevertheless the chances of doing so are far smaller compared to 9mm, 5.56,etc.

        • billwashere@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Everything Olympic related is air guns as far as I know. But I’ve even seen 50cal air rifles. Again these are going to be much much slower.