TFW no trains
Same. Where my trains at? 😭
I just started [email protected]
This post is so invalidating for us train boys
I’m in my early thirties now and I think I love trains more than I did than when I was a kid. That and double deck busses, love that shit.
Yes, but have you considered prehistoric transformers from space?
My son is 1.5 years old. So far it’s trains and cars/trucks. I’ll update you in 2.5 years
Forgot cool robots
I wanted to be a fire truck when I got older…
Me, except trains
Japanese trains, specifically
I’m a 34 year old woman that loves trains. 😍
Are we still doing phrasing?
Do men turn 4?
Mine was transformers so technically I didn’t have to choose one
Same here man. I watched that show religiously as a kid. I think it was on at 3:30 weekday.
I was more of a Dukes of Hazard guy at that age. Also Voltron. Later on was Knight Rider.
Maybe He-man too but only because he rode a tiger.
You forgot volcanos
1000hrs logged in the floor is lava
Forgot sharks too
botsRex assemble! And launch!Bchchchchooooo
Can i base my personality on constructing a truck stop for dinosaurs in space(operated by robots, owned by sharks and powered by volcanos)?
So how is the writing going and who will playing the lead dino?
Civil Engineer here, I can confirm.