PA-220s be like that.
PA-220s be like that.
Came with the house. Changing it out would not be fun.
I have never heard of this before. Thanks for mentioning it.
Import duties are a scam to begin with.
He has a license plate reader, he has facial recognition, he can read IP addresses from your cell phone or watch,”
Uhhhh… How is it reading the ip addresses of people’s phones?
This is a great way to motivate the developement of hovercars and boards.
Back in the 80s & 90s you had to configure settings like IRQ and bad sectors.
I agree, but it was free.
I got the laptop free so a sketchy no-name drive is fine for my needs.
Ok, sketchy no-name brand it is, then. One of these perhaps?
I know the feeling. I logged into HP hoping to look up the serial number. All it would tell me is that the warranty is expired.
Turns out there are different types of M.2 keys.
The difference in keys is explained here.
Here’s more info on the types of keys.
~~I’m going to look for an adapter. ~~
sata m.2 ssd
Hot water can do the same.
Also has (or had) a cli interface.
That actually doesnt sound too bad. Though I’m surprised with the artificial colors that this is what went with.
I create /data and mount my 2nd drive there using fstab.
I then mount /data/downloads under my user downloads folder so everything goes to my 2nd drive. That way I dont have to redownload anything if I redo my main drive.
Why would anyone opt in to this? What is the point of it?
Or just disable the cell modem.