I’ve heard (not confirmed) that as a firefighter I can turn up to a blood donation centre, tell them I’m a firefighter and want to dump PFAS and they’ll draw, and dispose, of my blood.
I should confirm it…
I’ve heard (not confirmed) that as a firefighter I can turn up to a blood donation centre, tell them I’m a firefighter and want to dump PFAS and they’ll draw, and dispose, of my blood.
I should confirm it…
Why would we let another corporation take control? Recovers is where it’s at.
I’m not sure you need to melt it for the PFAS to leech out. There was a study recently about smart watch bands and they found that the PFAS exposure from wearing them was way above safe limits and they weren’t being heated to 327C.
Admittedly frypan coatings and watch bands are not the same materials, but still…
As you have worded it, I would be fine with that question provided they were respectful, and weren’t obviously sealioning or astroturfing. It would be thought/discussion provoking, open ended, and they might just end up reevaluating their beliefs as a consequence.
The comments might get spicy, but that’s what mods are for.
I love this word. TIL it.
Can’t see the comment. “Server Error”.
I can see both sides.
On the one hand, history is replete with popular opinions that were later shown to be incorrect. One of the reasons I chose to move to Lemmy was the inherent resistance of the fediverse to the enforcement of a particular narrative, and the inherent potential for respectful discussion and debate. As long as people remain respectful, my inclination is to leave up content that I disagree with. Please note, it has to be respectful, not merely polite.
On the other hand, there’s no shortage of evidence that deliberate misinformation remains a threat in online communities. This is why we implemented no astroturfing and no sealioning rules in the larger community I help mod.
Holding these two competing thoughts, I think that points of view that run (edit: contrary) to the current scientific understanding should not be removed provided that the quantity is limited, it’s respectful and it’s not-harmful. But that’s just my perspective, and how we handle it in the communities I mod. The beauty of the fediverse is that I also have no problems with someone setting up a competing community that takes a much less tolerant perspective and has a rule that participation is conditional on agreement to certain perspectives.
“Asshole resistant”
I love that concept.
It’s almost as if, hear me out here, the Norwegians are right…
Interpretation - the NSA can now crack all common encryption methods, so let’s disadvantage our adversaries at no real cost to us.
What, inconsistent units? /s
Lemmytools is what I was hoping to find. Thank you! Installed and working great. I’ll never have to see another Trump post again.
I believe they upload a hash of one frame.
Not to mention that the vote was boycotted by Armenia, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Moldova.
They were sooooo keen to return to the Russian embrace (/s).
Is it was so great, why did most of the conquered nations run west as fast as they could as soon as they could? Must have been because the USSR was so ‘progressive’.
Sounds like another reason not to use Chrome.
Isn’t this just more of what caused the problem in the first place? Namely, centralisation. If you store data locally and you lose a machine, that’s bad but not the end of the world. If you store it centrally and you lose the data, that’s catastrophic. Nassim Taleb nailed this stuff. Keep the downside limited, and the upside unlimited or as he says, “Don’t pick up pennies in front of a steamroller.”
It’s even better than that. It’s a computer’s version of a story describing how a computer wrote a story which was then front-paged by a computer.
Came here to say this.
I smell the same flavour of bullshit about RedNote that I do/did about Bluesky. The articles are so obviously Astro turfing.