This is just plaid.
We’ve gone to plaid…
someone make a new meme
Want to measure each others poops?
Only if we can cut them with a poop knife and display them in increasing binary numbers until it becomes plaid again.
Btw, the original file out of photoshop was a whoppijg 180mb
im not even kidding its 65.536 beans zoom in
This is the max zoom on what I downloaded
imgur fucked this one up…
Cant have anything nice
Try instead. Zero idea if it’ll work better, but it’s part of the Fediverse.
Looks like about 20 ppb (pixels per bean)
Each can is like 12 pixels
Only 6 bits away bruh just let it happen
Guys my moms laptop gets hot and the fans start running really hard when you keep spamming the feed with beans can we please stop spamming she’s getting really mad about it
It’s… beautiful.
What did the server admins do to deserve this
Well, the image did crash my app when I tried to open it.
I’m glad to have “bean” here
We’re about to find out how many people browse this lmao
That’s awesome! Is r/madlads over here yet…?
That enough beans to simulate quantum effects
Never bean more proud to be a member of a community.