My venerable Logitech Mouse a is nearing the end of it’s life and I’m thinking about a replacement. Since I have no plans to switch my Gaming PC to Windows 11 I would like to have a mouse (and eventually a keyboard) that properly supports Linux.

I looked at the sites for Corsair, Logitech and Razer and the corresponding software is available for Windows (and sometimes MacOS for some reason) but no Linux Version.

Since I actually use some of the fancy Gaming-Gear functionality like setting up macros and variable DPI I’d like to use the software that is used to set these things up.
How do you guys deal with this?
Is there a manufacturer that offers their software for Linux?
Do these things run properly under Wine?

    5 months ago

    A lot of newer big “gamer” brand peripherals are coming bundled with proprietary software you gotta run to get full functionality.

    A friend of mine recently tried Linux and had his scroll wheel not work because it was tired to the software on Windows for some stupid reason…

    I saw this trend starting nearly a decade ago when Razers software bricked my Win7 PC by booting before the login screen, I’ve avoided any devices with mandatory software since, but seems the issue has only grown lately.