It’s only currently planned for PC, with no controller or console plans yet — and Mountaintop won’t necessarily allow Steam Deck to join. “Steam Deck is a concern as a cheating vector, and I think our anti-cheat systems may block it right now,” Mountaintop CEO and cofounder Nate Mitchell tells me.

    7 months ago

    Lmao, wtf is this?! When I tried the test it loaded up battleeye…

    That said it’s a shame. It’s a very unique way to make a TAC shooter. After 5 or so matches you start to realize the potential for some galaxy brain sized strats and play styles. But man does exhaust your brain trying to keep up with it all in the heat of the moment.

    Edit: I wonder if the upcoming NTSYNC to the Linux kernel will affect if these kernel level anticheats are compatible?