I have a lot of problems with stability using the linuxserver/transmission
docker image in my *arr stack. I setup restarting on unhealthy status in docker compose (using the following test command curl --fail http://localhost:9091 || exit 1
) but even then, sometimes I just find that my donwloads have stopped and find that the container is not running at all. Do you have an alternative to suggest, which could run in docker compose?
Im running qbit in docker and haven’t had a single issue with it.
Same. Qbittorrent and deluge have given me no issues.
I’ll give it a go! Is there a GUI for it? I like to sometimes check the progress live and transmission provides that out of the box.
There’s a web interface included that works OTB.
Seems to work very nicely and it’s much more responsive than transmission. Great, thanks!
You can also use a custom UI. I recommend VueTorrent.
In fact, using this mod, you can even have Docker download it and keep it up to date. In qBittorrent you just need to change the WebUI location to /vuetorrent.
Deluge or qbittorrent. If you use a vpn, binhex images are good.
Thanks for all the suggestions! I switched to qbittorrent and it works nicely for now. The web ui is fine for the little I use it so all good! I’ll report if something starts failing again which would indicate another issue with me setup.
If you’d like to stick with transmission, this docker works very well: haugene/transmission-openvpn
I’m not set on transmission, I tried qbittorrent just now and it seems to work for me. But thanks! I anyway use a separate container and network for vpn.
I’ve been using https://github.com/haugene/docker-transmission-openvpn for years without issue because I could get my weird VPN to work with it (though the latest release seems to be from 12/2023 …)
I’ve been very pleased with this qbittorrent docker image which includes two modern web UIs bundled in with it: https://hotio.dev/containers/qbittorrent/
I use ruTorrent, pretty happy with it
Maybe you could just try a different Transmission docker image or build your own? Sounds like some weird instability in that particular version.
I used deluge but it has like a 1000 torrent limit before it starts lagging. Plus there’s no search bar.
I really like rutorrent
I wonder what could be the issue here, I use the same image without any issue.
Had trouble with io access thru a nas when the arr move/hardmink the files. Faster disk with a raid5 did the trick. Now it freeze but far less longer. Depend on you configuration I guess
Hello, I use this on since 2-3 year without issues. It restart itself in case of VPN failure, and I didn’t notice any issue with transmission. I have 4 runnings in parallels. https://github.com/haugene/docker-transmission-openvpn