I don’t like subscribing to nonphysical things. I can read a physical paper a month after it arrived. Digital is faster, but I tend to lose it before I have read it.
I need a recipient in my pocket. Too often my virtual thing is lost, my device fails, or things reboot and I don’t have my secure 24 digit password with me.
I won’t subscribe to a digital only anything. Physical and digital is nice.
Edit: They don’t even have to be identical. A digital daily with a monthly print would be nice.
Me too.
That’s one hell of a user name you’ve got there
Every time I read it, I think of a very polite reply I saw a month or two back that said (paraphrasing):
Hey, I just want to say nothing against you, but your username disgusted me so much I’m going to add you to my block list so I don’t ever have to see it again.
I cannot give this full credit but…
“Garbage is garbage, put it in the trash.”
No it’s my collection.
You posted it. Nobody on the internet lies. Ergo, it’s your trash.
/s for those that need it
It’s not trash it’s a very important and organized collection.
Sorry if you don’t understand.
I’ve converted my entire life to digital and most of it I store locally. Its so much nicer not having so much crap.
Less crap is good. I just want the option of crap that I choose.
For me it’s mostly the opposite. I really like my things digital, not physical. I already live in the 4th country in my life. I can’t move any physical things with me, but if it’s digital it needs almost no space. I printed photos as photo books because I thought it’s much easier to access. Now all of them are still in Sweden and my friend who has my stuff in her attic is asking me to get my stuff because she is moving and doesn’t want to deal with my stuff. But because I’m in South Korea, I can’t get them. It’s way to expensive to move it. But I don’t want to throw them away, but probably will need to.
I have all those pictures in digital form and do access them far more often than I’d think. I wrote scripts which show random old pictures on the TV and post a “today X years ago” picture to different family chats.
I wrote scripts which show random old pictures on the TV and post a “today X years ago” picture to different family chats.
Oh but I agree to your sentiment of subscriptions. the only subscription I have is a Server at Hetzner. I hosted my stuff from home before but with all the constant moving it’s very complicated. So it’s worth to me to pay the 20 EUR a month for hosting a VPS. Another subscription is access to the internet and rent. But other than that I don’t have anything.
That is a great idea!
Please tell me you don’t have one single secure 24 digit password?
You should really use a password manager and vary the length of your passwords. 24-32 digits for instance. That way if one gets stolen people still can’t brute force 24 digits.
Thank you for looking out for me and the other readers. Great advice.
I have started varying the length of my passwords as well. I don’t know how long any of them are.
That’s the way it should be. I don’t know any of my passwords.
So you purchase no services?
That is tricky. I don’t think I purchase services that are not immediately consumed.
No Netflix or Spotify. I do get utilities, but I doubt that is your meaning.
Do you have an example?
Oil changes, tax preparation, deep tissue message. Paying someone else to do something you don’t want to or can’t do yourself.
Great, thank you. Those are not what I mean.
Oil changes result in a receipt and new oil. Tax prep resilts in a receipt and a task completed. Deep tissue message gets a nice feeling and a receipt. None are digital only.
Paying someone to play music for me does likely fit. It may be a weakness in my thinking.
All of my recipes are physical. I find them online, digitally edit, then print and put in my recipe binder. I will not use screens in the kitchen… It makes them dirty and I can’t make notes easily.
I love printing out recipes! It’s also easier to replace my paper recipes when I invariably spill water on them or such!
I think that this opinion is only unpopular with very few people - and all of them are very, very rich.
I am mostly the same, but I also enjoy video games and movies and shit… Which only need to be digital. I can always put them on physical media myself if I have need. But I never buy shit for the games in the game, like I ain’t spending $20 real money to have my character in a fursuit. That shit is stupid, especially when I’m coming from the golden age of online gaming where you could just upload that shit yourself and everyone would see it.
I also won’t pay for an always online game anymore. Back when the servers were run by players, it didn’t matter much because the game could never truly die. But with the servers being entirely controlled by the dev/publisher, I am not willing to pay for a game that they can just shut off and make unplayable at any point.
I also love to play old games. (My NES works.)
I too have been burned by games that must have a server.
So…would the physical monthly be a collection of all that months digital dailys in print form? Or would it be entirely new content that isn’t time sensitive?
I would be happy with archive. Better would be curated with all corrections and followups grouped together.
There are a very few magazines I like to get in print, and even that minimal number gets out of control so fast. I use the library for digital books but pay for music streaming and get a thousand times more utility out of that money than I would using it to buy a CD. Also pay for music performance live, and a few bucks to the community radio station.
And personally I do have more trouble managing physical items, and easily feel overwhelmed by stuff.
Library is the way to go, and community radio.
That’s a perfectly valid opinion.
I like physical media too.
I’m impatient too fucking hate waiting for it To deliver. I want it now goddamn it
I don’t think this is what OP meant, but one thing I absolutely love about having a 3d printer is having physical things ‘delivered’ now-ish lol
Even clothes ?
Some online things are worth the money, such as chat services like Threema, cloud storage like Filen…