I’m assuming this is a reference to the Yiga clan and their love of mighty bananas
You saw through my disguise?! No matter!
A bit obvious when your name is “Traveller” every time
We got more banana refugees coming!
I don’t get it. Am I out of the loop?
Watch out for Bananakin Skywalker!
I blink and I miss a thing. We’re gonna need a c/outoftheloop 🤔
Why Cant I Hold All These
new trafficBananas -every instance, today, colorizedYou may, perhaps, need them for scale.
I don’t understand, can we get a banana for scale?
I don’t get the size of the bananas. Can I get a clownfish for scale please?
So this is the guy from the mathproblems.
More banana memes
I’ve found my people!
Orange you glad I didn’t say…
Why does one person need so many bananas?
babaans are akshually berrries
The Yiga Clan moved in?
Hi, and thanks for shopping Yiga-Mart, did you find everything you were looking for? That’s great! I see that you are stocking up on Mighty Bananas. Excellent choice! Personally, I like to fry them up before I eat them, but I’ve heard that some people enjoy them frozen. By the way, have you heard about the secret of Malanya Spring in Akkala? They say that if you look hard enough, you can find a special fountain dedicated to the Horse God there. I’ve heard the journey can be quite difficult, but it will be impossible for you… when you’re dead, swordsman!
Bananas for scale
Uh what?