A virtual credit card? Is that something your bank offers, or how would one go about getting it?
The reason I originally got PayPal is because many sites don’t accept debet cards so I often had no way to pay at all.
A virtual credit card? Is that something your bank offers, or how would one go about getting it?
The reason I originally got PayPal is because many sites don’t accept debet cards so I often had no way to pay at all.
Middelfart? :-D
You could also try ecosia. I’ve been using them for years, and since a few months Vivaldi has a deal with them too.
Give it time, eventually every project looks like the right.
Reapers waiting in dark space.
As someone who has interviewed candidates for developer jobs for over a decade: this sounds like “in my day everything was better”.
Yes, there are plenty of candidates who can’t explain the piece of code they copied from Copilot. But guess what? A few years ago there were plenty of candidates who couldn’t explain the code they copied from StackOverflow. And before that, there were those who failed at the basic programming test we gave them.
We don’t hire those people. We hire the ones who use the tools at their disposal and also show they understand what they’re doing. The tools change, the requirements do not.
Just fire some people, that’ll drive profits up.
“All 2 million”? I’m pretty sure there’s more federal workers than that.
Meta says its working urgently to fix a problem
Click a link? Oh you young whippersnapper! We used to have a note with written domain names or even IP addresses that we would type in if we wanted to go somewhere online.
There is nothing wrong with your device. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We control the horizontal. We control the vertical.
It is important to know that these are books for computer scientists more than for software engineers. They are basically mathematics textbooks, about the mathematics of algorithms. They focus on proving theorems rather than implementing useful algorithms.
There is a book called concrete mathematics that is sort of an introduction to TAOCP. If you’re interested in the basics that may be a good place to start. It has a better title than TAOCP in that it explicitly mentions mathematics, but also an equally bad one because it’s very much theoretical rather than concrete.
My 80+ year old parents don’t care about ads or AI. They just want a working PC, and W11 won’t install on the cheap machine they got a few years ago. They’re not going to buy a new one because this works perfectly fine.
And yes they tried Linux for several years, but went back to Windows because it was just too much hassle and not compatible with too many things.
It absolutely is a hardware problem.
Gen X: don’t quote the ancient piracy to me, Millennial. I was there for BBS and Napster.
Press and hold the Windows key, then tap the R. Let go of the windows key. Type cmd enter. Type format C:\ enter.
Sadly they “fixed” this.
Horses are relentless.
Is it password1?
I refuse to think of 2000 as anything but the future where will all have flying cars.
It will require our undivided attention.
I see, thanks!