Yep. Cops don’t protect and serve the people. They protect and serve capital, i.e. corporations, the rich, oligarchs, etc.
Yep. Cops don’t protect and serve the people. They protect and serve capital, i.e. corporations, the rich, oligarchs, etc.
Yep, pretty much. They’ll never issue a real fine.
Agreed. Corporations should not be allowed to own housing. It has zero benefits for the public and little to no drawbacks for the corporation.
I hope they fine all of them trillions and jail the top level people. They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this BS. There’s been rampant price gouging, fixing, and collusion going on in this country for a long time now across industries and it sure would be nice if someone would do something to stop it.
Now you tell me. I’ve been putting my headphones on my eyes for years and wondering why I couldn’t hear anything.
Though I’m sure if they can figure out someway to force subscription bullshit in there, they will.
Yep. Musk is a right winger.
But we can’t have that I guess. I fucking hate corporations so much.
I know an even better way for them to save money. Anthony Wood, the CEO, gets like $20,990,000 in total yearly compensation. Like most these fucks most of it is non-salary, so they don’t pay taxes on it right away if at all.
We don’t have a monopoly. - Company with a monopoly
I mean if people want to do this, I guess? I’m super socially awkward and even I wouldn’t want to do this. I want the person to like me, not the AI.
If this does happen, I hope they find a way to do it that doesn’t make Bezos and the like richer, like what happened with Standard Oil years ago.
Similar things are done with TV and streaming unfortunately. You ever notice how commercials/ads have louder volume than whatever content you’re watching? It’s intentional. If you’re someone who doesn’t skip them and doesn’t mute them, they want you to be able to hear them from another room and then they hope you’ll come back to see the ad. It’s so dumb.
What a dumbass he is, wow, just wow.
As all billionaires are. Along with unempathetic sociopathic psychopaths.
Shrinkflation. Make a product or service smaller or worse and charge more for it. Been happening for years now across different industries, product types, and service types.
Wow, what heartless assholes these fascist pigs are.