Because the museum curators don’t want to. Then the “morality” of stealing from someone who has the object but didn’t take it them self comes up.
There isn’t a reason other than ego.
Because the museum curators don’t want to. Then the “morality” of stealing from someone who has the object but didn’t take it them self comes up.
There isn’t a reason other than ego.
Most billionaires value is in non physical parts of a company. Sounds pretty made up
True but parents have a responsibility to look at the game before letting their children play it. Should the mechanics exist? No. But should the parents look into the game beforehand? Yes
Use TubeMate to download the music off of YouTube
I would say " well now I will", but I already do this
Dude I think the MRI is fine, it’s more of a danger than in danger
I was slightly wrong I wil change the first comment LGBTQ marriages are limited in there rights when compared to a straight marriage As for Russia the " act of homosexuality" is legal but not marriage.
That would be ideal
Really? I get the US isn’t the best at it, but come on, you go to jail in Russia for being in an LGBTQ marriage, and in China LGBTQ marriage is still considered a second rate union. Your asking the US to force a societal change but not China and Russia for a legal change? That seems to be slightly bullshit
Correction: my original statement was incorrect.
What? So buying sports team stuff is tipping culture? Im very confused by what you mean
Because you are paying YouTube for no ads not the channel.
To be honest even without ad block most of the videos I watch have almost no ads. Probably because of the type of humor involved but still. Doesn’t hurt to had the ad-blocker
Well, sucks for Washington.
Havana Syndrome still effects U.S. navy personnel fairly regularly. My Dad even thought he had it for a while. I think it more related to people being at sea for sometimes a month or more without landing.
Here’s why your apps are failing. You don’t have proper ratios. When women are outnumbered 2 to 1 that means about 33% of the user base can’t use the app as intended. That’s why you are losing users
Because of your indifferent attitude. Your meat will now become more expensive than plant based meat, so you can eat your words
Of course. look treating yourself is nothing bad, however it is going to cost more for it.
To be fair I live in a part of the US that is poorer than average and isn’t really a nice place politically. I can spend 60-80 dollars for a weeks worth of food, and I eat a lot of food.
You literally have the most expensive possible options for every single one of those
Might be a bit old school but I just use TubeMate to download music off of YouTube for my playlist
It’s that the lots literally don’t have space because people aren’t buying 50k cars they are selling.