Probably belongs to the Long Long Man.
Probably belongs to the Long Long Man.
My cats are always sleepy. Except when I’m sleeping, that’s the time for a race around the house.
I do this to myself and then get disappointed 20min later.
“Nah, surely they wouldn’t make it that obvious, that would be downright bad writing… More clues, they must be trying to lead me astray and then surprise me with a better twist! Oh, it really was just the obvious one… Hmm.”
That’s… actually quite interesting. I wonder how true the part about projecting current emotions on it is. I never see it as anything, but an emotionless face.
This was my old keyboard, until I fell into the rabbit hole of
[email protected] …
I’m not quite sure if I’m better or worse off now, but I love my Moonlander nonetheless.
I was going to say I haven’t had any issues, but then remembered I only sort by New and Top…
I’d say what’s intuitive is very subjective. Most of a language tends to be intuitive to its native speakers, no matter how unintuitive it seems to someone else.
To me the intuitive genderless option for “he/she” would be “it”. Coming from Finnish, it seems much more natural to have “it” include people instead of using “they” for both singular and plural. Or if using “they”, it would feel intuitive to say “they is” instead of “they are”.
I’m aware it’s a thing and not really a plural. What I was trying to say is that it looks plural and since I didn’t learn about this part of English until several years into my studies as a kid, it isn’t as well established in my mind as “you are” is (that also looks like a plural, but I’m used to it).
“They are” for a single person catches my mental error filter the same way as “I are” or “you is” would, which is highly annoying.
but it’s Monday… and I’m not quite sure what conclusion to draw from that.
I very much agree. Learning English as a foreign language, it feels very wrong to use plural for a single person. I’m still not quite used to it! Although, had I been taught that early on, I doubt it would feel any weirder than using “you are” for a single person.
Pfft, rest of the world should start following Finns on this and call everyone and everything ‘it’! Except pets for some reason.
I’ve actually never seen this format before and I must say I quite like it.
The package managers are actually a huge upgrade, at least in my opinion. I was always annoyed having to hunt for the right site for the right installer, now I can just search and install with a command without even opening a browser. But the biggest benefit is the updating. One command to update everything is so handy, one command and all my applications and drivers are updated just like that. But there is the issue of many programs simply not supporting Linux. For those you’ll sadly have to find replacements or workarounds.
If you want to get rid of Grub instead of what others have suggested, you could try booting into Windows and look for “advanced startup” and do a startup repair from there. That might destroy Grub and replace it with Windows bootloader again. If it works, your Linux stuff will remain on the drive, but Windows will boot like before. (you can easily reformat the HDD drive from Windows afterwards to use it for storage)
Some of my personal tips for moving to Linux: