There isn’t a way to check if you’re connected to a Bluetooth device through automations :/.
The best you can do is set an action after you connect/disconnect from a known Bluetooth device
There isn’t a way to check if you’re connected to a Bluetooth device through automations :/.
The best you can do is set an action after you connect/disconnect from a known Bluetooth device
Well it sure is a good thing they are making everything smart nowadays….
But seriously I can’t believe how fast the car industry locked previously free features behind a subscription
You should be able to assign that vlan to a port (ex. eth0, eth1)
Just wanted to add this link explaining how to use tunnels in a more privacy respecting way
Problems with TLS (free option of routing on cloudlfare tunnels)
interception (or HTTPS interception if applied particularly to that protocol) is the practice of intercepting an encrypted data stream in order to decrypt it, read and possibly manipulate it, and then re-encrypt it and send the data on its way again. This is done by way of a “transparent proxy”: the interception software terminates the incoming TLS connection, inspects the HTTP plaintext, and then creates a new TLS connection to the destination.
Many CSAM detecting services already use image hashing to compare to a central database.
What about rogers center? Or even Roger’s place?
God there are so many of them