Absolutely! Voyager is the gold standard for PWA
Absolutely! Voyager is the gold standard for PWA
this talk is basically a short version of Cory’s new book. To get a gist of it, check out reviews like: https://apnews.com/article/internet-con-doctorow-book-review-9a5645c075fa495f701481d50f3917c8
let’s see what the Digital Markets Act will accomplish. it’s a slow process for sure …
“self regulating bodies”
you know what, I didn’t even notice (just copied from video). Title edited.
enshittification all the way down
GPT, is that you?
Yeah, that would be cool to have.
“If I’m not the product, then WHO AM I??”
It’s bots all the way down…
Best lemmy app, period. So sleek, so smooth.
“The developer does not collect any data from this app.”
love it <3
cue “if those kids could read they’d be very upset”
Mmh nice, nullives.
Right on! Apropos polyrhythms, this live version of Gaia is off the charts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRVE_-th1EI (solo around 4:05)
Their latest album has some big Tool influences, especially drumming wise
it be a slippery slope