i had to SSH in to the pi-hole to update it
You make it sound like a chore instead of a delight. Curious.
I don’t read my replies
i had to SSH in to the pi-hole to update it
You make it sound like a chore instead of a delight. Curious.
Israel must approve all construction projects in Gaza. IDF soldiers routinely dismantle private roof-top solar to prevent Palestinians from being independent of Israeli electricity.
Gaza has no airport, no docks to accept shipping, and all land borders are controlled by Israel or Egypt. And the whole point of the Egyptian crossing is to be a corridor for Palestinians to “self-cleanse” and flee the brutal conditions that Israel imposes.
Hamas has never controlled Gaza.
blandford says Eugenics didn’t go far enough!
The oldest human writings are lost to history. But we can be assured that they bitterly complained about the young generation and predicted that the world would end soon.
Sooner or later, one of the kooks will be right by coincidence.
That sentence only needed the first word to be mildlyinfuriating.
This is what consumer culture does to the brain. Yes, these people expect politicians to “sell” them on ideology. What they mean is they expect to be flattered and have all their thinking done for them, just like Tick Tock and Insta.
It’s endemic on the right and common on the left for people to have this “customer service” attitude toward politics.
Of course very few people are actually persuaded by anything they didn’t already believe, but it gives them agency of choice to imagine that they went with the side that was the best value proposition I guess.
The people who think Orwell was on the right are the same people who think Hitler was on the left. This is not a serious debate.
The money in AI is going to be the wages of the people it replaces. Those tech billionaires call it a revolution because getting labor without wages is the promised land for cunt billionaires.
The AI revolution is here because that’s what the owners want. If you think they’ll wait until the AI is as good as humans to replace humans I’ll point out that self-checkout already exists.
the safety of the actual car is good enough for consumers
This is a revealing statement.
There should be a warning label on any establishment or product that requires a smartphone to use.
Just a reminder that Hamas is the recognized government in Gaza. Israel reminds us of this fact constantly in it’s attempts to justify their collective punishment. But I see now that Hamas have Schrodinger’s legitimacy.
The framing their they’re going for is worthy victims vs. unworthy. It’s a pillar in the project of acceptable mass murder.
There is no market solution to capitalism. Something, something, tools of the master.
“Gods eye” view is a common idiom for a third person perspective. That’s probably what they’re referencing.
I love Elon Bad posts, but I think it’s worthwhile to examine why Elon bad in this case.
Like many reactionaries, Elon’s business philosophy is pure tech-bro-libertarianism. And like all libertarians, he’s stuck in the neoliberal mindset of less regulation (don’t scrutinize) and more efficiency (let me be cheap), in order to create the safe space that industrialists need to extract, er create.
He’s literally said things like (paraphrasing)
When I see a specification for three bolts I ask: why can’t we do it with two?
His transparent reasoning is that if he’s allowed to cut corners, he’ll save money today and consequences can be dealt with when they arise.
He’s following the software model of release a minimally viable product and patch it later. Only instead of user frustration at being beta testers, you fucking die maybe.
No, it’s just that rural people expect their opinions to count more, as though their lifestyles are more authentic or honorable.
And where exactly is it that a firearm is necessary to protect from wildlife? Kodiak Island?
As far as the safety argument goes, let’s examine Police. The number one cause of “in the line of duty” fatalities is auto accidents, the second is heart disease, with COVID jockeying for position. If guns were a prophylactic, you’d expect them to shoot cheeseburgers and their cruisers. But as Richard Pryor observed: “Cops don’t kill cars…”
When I was young, you wouldn’t know if someone had guns unless you went hunting or something. It was kinda taboo to inquire.
This ethic probably originated from the fact that guns have always been a target for thieves. Nowadays, gun bros post their weapons on Facebook so you can see their custom paint job and accessories.
Building a database of gun ownership would be trivial. Even the old timers with their secrets could probably be sorted out from a dozen other personal data points.
Sorry gun owners, your collection is everybody’s business, just like a uterus.
I think the default should be to consider any picture of text that’s posted without a source as fake until shown otherwise. Posts that confirm your priors should be doubly suspicious.
However, this Hitler quote is real.
Y’all think the Tariffs on TSMC will come up?
I can predict the fist step of TSMCs plan for American companies: layoffs.